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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far) - Page 7



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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far)

Started by lucifsg, September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM

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Quote from: flamingAwe on September 23, 2009, 02:32:00 PM
it is at least SH, so not se/bd definetly xD
+1 SH/BD my fault (i't s also written in stats :D)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: jygh on September 23, 2009, 01:56:03 PM
maybe u dont cry cause i didnt saw u on any pvp since half year lol :)))) ok mby 1 year . about arhcers they hit same fast like 70% of mages do ... but different is mage hit for 400-600 max while archer in 5 shot what he ll make in 2-3 second will hit u for 1-3k and all say " use song of windstorm " etc mage need totally full buff to protect from archer while archer need only bd/pp to roll ..... tomek u r necro/tk " deflect arrow" so is not big deal for u but look for rest..... not everyone have l33t items here...... ask yoda to hit u xD .    sr/wl can reach 1800 atk.spd as i heard ..... only summoners on arcane agility and elven elder can reach this c.spd ....   make icarus bow slow or give m.crt for mages like it was ... cuz every archer  have 490-500 crt rate on full buff.....

If mages are so bad FTRjin then what did ya were proud some days ago that you pwned 5 CB peoples by urself xD?
If there's a class that needs the best equipment and buffs to 'pwn' is a archer... Do mages need RB jewels (aint that needed), archers needs AQ and Baium for sure... So ur saying if a archer party with pp buffs and dances would pvp vs a mage party that is fully buffed, the archer party would win haha? think twice... 

And atleast for mages when being on 2k c speed+ your BSSS loads... if fighters reach more then 1,6k atk speed half of their soulshots doesnt load....

Another thing you said archer needs only pp+dances as buffs to 'pwn', but you really think they reach 400 crit rate then? they wont... so they wouldnt even crit so much.

+ so what if he/wl can reach that much atk speed? he'd needed to be on rapid fire, wich means - Range, wich is the most stupid thing you could do in a mass pvp (maybe it's usefull in a siege when ur fighting close range and no room to kite). And don't forget even if fighters reach such atk speed, mages got debuffs that has the chance of decreasing it... what does fighters have to decrease c speed or m atk of mages? nothing correct!


Stop crying,archers aren't OP,Icarus Spitter is OP.Nerf the bow,not the char,if u cannot understand that then suicide,I'm already tired of all this freaking bs...


Fullbuffed (in viana's pt, savemefrommyeself, sleya, apollo etc) by that i meant every defensive buff, we had a pp etc.... on my ee/es, 2k from immaculate was what i got.... but i got 2.3k c speed with almost no mp consuption (under wisdom and agility), and i am not anti archer char as any tank subbed and most likely sk or tk sub would be so... add to that special PT ud anti archer as... blade dance? it's pretty cool imo, indeed whole server rerolled to archer but that's just because they are brainless faggots  :)
If you ask me, the number of archer only means the era of nuker/tank has arrived...


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 01:15:51 PM

dude ur full of sh1t on every post of urs. im in front line to mass curse so my party stays alive.
jesus look @ what bullsh1t ur saying curse of doom on archer so he gets what ? wont stun me  ?
every clown here comes up with a stupid answer like use gloom . GEE moron ye i was w8ing for u to tell me to gloom and learn how to play my char...
rofl, that's true, and the era of debuff hardly came when they have a BP in pt with no reuse on cleanse.... and that they know it 100%


Quote from: our4n0s on September 23, 2009, 03:04:03 PM
Fullbuffed (in viana's pt, savemefrommyeself, sleya, apollo etc) by that i meant every defensive buff, we had a pp etc.... on my ee/es, 2k from immaculate was what i got.... but i got 2.3k c speed with almost no mp consuption (under wisdom and agility), and i am not anti archer char as any tank subbed and most likely sk or tk sub would be so... add to that special PT ud anti archer as... blade dance? it's pretty cool imo, indeed whole server rerolled to archer but that's just because they are brainless faggots  :)
If you ask me, the number of archer only means the era of nuker/tank has arrived...

Or because archers are easy to play and mages from Nightmare make it easy for them to pwn them?


Isnt the dance against archers decreasing your m.attack really a lot? I never tryed using that skill.

And yea the only chance mages now have against archers is if everyone is gonna reroll to mage/tank. But people are lazy or dont want to play any other char than they play now since they dont like to reroll just cuz archers are overpowered
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


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Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM
As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off

i read most of the pages ,i just wanna ask a question, do you rly understand that p.def and resist archer buffs are different think?
Even if you got 3k p.def i will crit you for 4k with my archer BUT if you got 1,5k p.def and chant of protection +windstorm song i will crit you for 1k .

Do you get what i am talking about?
Please think next time before you make a QQ topic.
As someone else said ,its time for you to discover the chant of protection and windstorm song.


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 23, 2009, 03:11:57 PM
Isnt the dance against archers decreasing your m.attack really a lot? I never tryed using that skill.

And yea the only chance mages now have against archers is if everyone is gonna reroll to mage/tank. But people are lazy or dont want to play any other char than they play now since they dont like to reroll just cuz archers are overpowered
the DANCE decrase a lot and last for 10-15 sec

the song decrease it, but nothing compared to song. and has lees power
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10



miss chant of critical or protection dont remember the name and deflect arrow was On at this time  XD and about 2010 pdef (bp/pal)


Quote from: seboulba on September 23, 2009, 03:33:31 PM

miss chant of critical or protection dont remember the name XD and about 2010 pdef (bp/pal)


(does it take u 1/2 heal to restore hp?)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10