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@track , i had a dream last night

Started by lucifsg, October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 12, 2009, 07:01:55 PM
We talked about song of windstorm being just 1 minute while songs against mages last more. You replayed with crap like, blame ncsoft and later replayed with crap like get an active sws -> well we should than make atleast song of element to 1 minute so it would be balanced. But since the only song that lasts 1 minute is windstorm, your post about tactical advantage made no sence since its again the advantage of archers, cuz song of element lasts much longer. After i explained how your posts were wrong, you than changed the subject and started talking about some other advantage that a mage has over an archer.

And the fact that you curently play a mage doesnt change anything.  ;)
And where you see me go against changing Elemental song to 1 min? I'd say that's fine with me.

I replied with the fact blame NCSoft because Elemental song and Wind storm are 2 completely different type of songs, the reason for this is that Wind Storm can not be enchanted, while Elemental can. Wind Storm is a 'temporary boost' against archers damage, while wind storm is a song to be kept up. But sure, make Elemental song 1 min as well, it won't really matter since Elemental can be enchanted while Wind storm can't.

The only thing I said was that it really doesn't matter at all if it is 1 minute or 3 minutes, because if you have an active SWS he can easily resing it before it runs off, I also stated it's much better to have it short, because it brings an additional tactic to the PvP.
You're just to blind to see this because you keep bashing on making Wind Storm same as Elemental and how unfair it is, but where you see me say Elemental shouldn't be the same time? I didn't.

I simply stated the positive things of having it 1 minute and what it adds to the PvP's, and that it's far from 'uber' unfair like the world is going to end and how mages suck and how archers are 'pwnage' now, I laugh really. You people have no idea about PvP, hence I'm arguing with 2 guys that keep whining about how much NM sucks now and how less they play nowadays?

Learn 2 play.

Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 07:28:47 PM
guess why he play mage now? go take a look in banlist ;p
Too bad you know nothing again, I already played my mage long before it got banned.

Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 05:54:30 PM
mage from word ------>magic (iceblast, firewalls, hurricanes ;p)   buffbots (buffs ;p) u think they would call gandalf a mage when he will only buff hobbits? ;p
A mage is a character that uses magic, buffs are magic, hence it's a mage.


Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 05:32:41 PM
and u play buffbot not mage ;p

Active buffers are just faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar superior to bots. If it were up to me even dualboxing should be bannable.

PS. You are confusing the word Mage with the word Nuker



Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 07:36:18 PM
then why i saw u in varka always with furesy?  ::)
Quote from: Ungolianth on October 09, 2009, 10:15:55 AM
its not crime mighty markz00r but u thought elesse will pown again but after that we pown u at dino u rerolled quickly back to amateur, maybe u forget to play her  ;) i cant go varka since i dont play  :-*

PS: You still know shit.


Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 07:44:39 PM
i got spies everywhere ;p and since i dont play much that dont means i dont see when my friends in our cyber are in varka and u running around ::)
gimme some more clues xDDDD
Keep guessing boy... You really have no idea what you're talking about.
I played Furesy when I was alone or when I felt like it, but my SWS/EE has been my main char since IL.


Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 07:44:39 PM
i got spies everywhere ;p and since i dont play much that dont means i dont see when my friends in our cyber are in varka and u running around ::)
gimme some more clues xDDDD

i have like 6chars in cb's :<   4 in temps 2 in sins    ...noone knows XD
[URL=http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/heroes/199546525]Player profile at BattlefieldHeroes.com, Free Shooter Game[/URL]


so basically ur a support char not a mage. or should we all reroll to pal/bp just to say we can survive archers.
as for the hypocrite part , who s the hypocrite here . even cat buff last 3-4 min . why the only main resist buff vs archers should last 59 seconds ...
i dont get it u try to convince us thats the way it should be while resist buffs for archers vs mages last more than 3min?


Quote from: lucifsg on October 12, 2009, 07:55:18 PM
so basically ur a support char not a mage. or should we all reroll to pal/bp just to say we can survive archers.
A mage is a character that uses magic, a healer or a buffer uses buffs, heals, debuffs, all of those are magic based spells, which makes it a mage.
What is the big deal with people whining about support/support chars? Without basic support classes and chars, all your 'leet' chars wouldn't hurt a freaking elpy. Seriously get over yourselves.

as for the hypocrite part , who s the hypocrite here . even cat buff last 3-4 min . why the only main resist buff vs archers should last 59 seconds ...
Maybe because NCSoft implemented the song against archery attacks as a temporary boost of defense. It isn't temporary anyway, you can have it 100% with active SWS, but sure make Elemental 1 min also, it would be better tbh.

i dont get it u try to convince us thats the way it should be while resist buffs for archers vs mages last more than 3min?
People really need to learn to read with understanding, I didn't say anywhere I'm against making Elemental song 1 min also, I simply said I thought it was fine that Wind Storm was 1 minute, and I gave my reasons to say so.
And people should really stop bullshitting about how weak mages are and how overpowered archers are, because that is just random bullshit because people can't figure out how to adapt to different gamestyles.


Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 08:14:45 PM
y but make it non enchantable  ::)
Sure but gimme the bogs back I used to make it +5 xd


Quote from: Ungolianth on October 12, 2009, 05:19:18 PM
dunno wanted change stereotype...btw u could answer me i alredy replyed to your question in pm  :)
make me an offer


furesy stop freakingblabling aob ut freaking ncsoft its fcking custom server not a fcking ncsoft one ... did u saw stuck subclasses on official ?? its fcking private server with custom shits so stop blabling about it rly... make this song 3 minut at least
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 07:30:25 PM
But sure, make Elemental song 1 min as well, it won't really matter since Elemental can be enchanted while Wind storm can't.

wrong, Windstorm has a base of 1 min while Elem has a base of 3 mins, make elem 1 min, guess what every +1 enchant ll add ? 5 sec.
have fun making ur Third class skill +3 to win 15 sec  and using 20 bogs by the way


Quote from: jygh on October 12, 2009, 11:09:10 PM
furesy stop freakingblabling aob ut freaking ncsoft its fcking custom server not a fcking ncsoft one ... did u saw stuck subclasses on official ?? its fcking private server with custom shits so stop blabling about it rly... make this song 3 minut at least
Private server is still based on official Lineage 2 made by NCSoft, else just ask bow mastery for mage classes also, and a bit more STR, it's private server after all!

Better make Elemental song 1 minute also, rather then making Wind Storm 3 minutes. Else you can once again just bot SWS.

Quote from: our4n0s on October 12, 2009, 11:12:07 PM
wrong, Windstorm has a base of 1 min while Elem has a base of 3 mins, make elem 1 min, guess what every +1 enchant ll add ? 5 sec.
have fun making ur Third class skill +3 to win 15 sec  and using 20 bogs by the way
+1 time adds like 10 or 15 seconds afaik. Still makes my Song of Elemental +50 / +75 seconds x)