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Started by torebronx, October 19, 2009, 04:34:02 PM

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im from Arena server.  I have glad/tyrant and i like it.  Mages that has no transfer pain or overlord sub (high pdef), plus warriors (or archers) in light armor (without paladin sub), i do eat them for breakfast with my glad / tyrant :)   Boom(F1) + Boom(F2) + Sonic Boom(F3) = Mission accomplished :P

If enemy has strong pdef, use Bison + your dual weapon... when your Bison kicks in (high Crits) when u reach 30% hp, use 'Force Barrier" and push the Force focus back to level 8, he/she will be dead.

Use rabbit totem against archer and Ogre against mages or other melee fighters.

If u want, u can switch to fist for Tyrant + final fortress(glad skills) + war cry (glad skills), it rocks.

For me i use both fist + dual weapon.  Triple sonic (dual) + Hurricane (fist) = Damage dealer.  

Try it and u will like it :)  

oh yes, MAX your +STR with dyes and armor.  BW heavy gives most +STR, though it look noob to wear BW armor, but against mage, its good, for others, u can use IC heavy set.


Glads are ok class, what most people do is overlook the potential sub combo that make them stronger or one of the strongest? combo on the server. I'm talking about damage output. I played a glad myself and hardly come across a problem to catch up with my enemy or running away.
For those who lol @ glad/archer pm me on yoda ig (when the server comes up) and I'll 'gladly' show u they are not as weak as u think and actually they can put up a good fight with right buffs ofc.



Quote from: ICantSee on October 22, 2009, 10:45:13 AM
Glads are ok class, what most people do is overlook the potential sub combo that make them stronger or one of the strongest? combo on the server. I'm talking about damage output. I played a glad myself and hardly come across a problem to catch up with my enemy or running away.
For those who lol @ glad/archer pm me on yoda ig (when the server comes up) and I'll 'gladly' show u they are not as weak as u think and actually they can put up a good fight with right buffs ofc.

Yes, they do overlook the potential of sub combos. The thing i like about DN servers = u can try out many different mutants combo.  Try some new mutants and dont always copy what other players have created, they could be only 10 years old kid.  Check out each and every armor/skills/weapon with different bonuses, and dont underestimate lower grade armors/weapons.  L2 is about exploring new things/events/situation


Quote from: ICantSee on October 22, 2009, 10:45:13 AM
Glads are ok class, what most people do is overlook the potential sub combo that make them stronger or one of the strongest? combo on the server. I'm talking about damage output. I played a glad myself and hardly come across a problem to catch up with my enemy or running away.
For those who lol @ glad/archer pm me on yoda ig (when the server comes up) and I'll 'gladly' show u they are not as weak as u think and actually they can put up a good fight with right buffs ofc.
Gtfo faggot!

Go fall into the Abyss at Aion again :D


GL r still good classes to play, but like all classes u need to know when it's fine to play and when it's not.

Play GL for pvp on Varka against archers will be insane cause they will run from u easy and kill u fast, since u need to be near then to give some nice damage, but if u pvp on Baium or Antharas (for example) they can't run much from you.

Also like Ashlynn said, now we have too many resists against archers (Deflect Arrow, Song of WindStorm and Dance of BladeStorm), also the Chant of Protection. But no buffs that could prevent damage from duals.

Most people that still plays GL/PP r old players or those who made this class when GL was OP on oly. But now we can find some new GL combos, like archers/GL.


Quote from: Weezer on October 22, 2009, 02:44:06 PM
. But now we can find some new GL combos, like archers/GL.

Noone complains about glad as support class on some other dd. We are talking here about glad AS A DD. =) Glad playstyle cant be done if u run with bow all the time. =)

Im playing glad/pal and its more like playing paladin, with  skills from glad. Cuz u can get similar dmg output with sword and biger def then playing with duals imho.

"ПроÑ,,ессор Mijamoto!  Ð' прикидывании дурачком, лукавсÑ,ве и заумныÑ... высказыванияÑ... Ñ,ебе неÑ, равныÑ...!"
ИмÑ...о, Mijamoto адекваÑ,нее и разумнее большей часÑ,и населения русской веÑ,ки.[img]

DNx15 / l2inc - Dievs, Stalingrad
HRx25 - Dievs, Severance




Ahlynn... I have advise for u... try play on some glad char for few hours, cuz what u say here... aaaaah
1) Songs, Dances... against archers.... nice and I must have how much boxes?
2) Mby glad has 8621417 resists against archers but for what is it when glad has 154 speed and archer about 180 and has longer range :D Try think about it. Like I said before... when is glad vs. archer - glad (if he has luck) use 2-3 skill on long range (not strong like on short range) and big power? I see that u rly haven`t been play sometimes on this char. Yes... on NM are glads... but tell me how much (like I said before) ppl from them have dynasty or IC and some good equip? Hm? 5? 6?
GodFather... gl/ty can be nice char... and I trust that u choosed nice char, but no all ppl want mutant and u can`t make a lot of mutants with glad. The same is for 7ippoBg.
Weezer... are u stupid or what? :D archer/glad... is it glad or archer? u use duals? hm? In this example is glad just support char for p.atk, barrier, move and more... but THIS IS NOT GLAD! Glad can be with pp or pl (w/o mutants). And tell how from this chars can win over some archer? If isn`t that archer BIG noob... he can`t defeated. Like I said... speed and longer range. Try take the best glad (or some good) against some not nooby archer with the same equip. U will see, that glad can`t win. Yes, glad was powa on oly (with pp). Nobody tell that me or some another boy/girl wants give it back... I just don`t want destroy this char. I just want win in pvp over some char or over some archer. I know that all protest here, cuz I protest against archers (70% of NM are archers). This is no fun if u see on NM just archer or mby sometime some mage. I hope that Track will make something for it...


drago.n.et ...
Besides Oly, I don't see why pple don't want a mutant to pvp/siege/tvt.  Do you expect a HE to win HE/PAL ?  or SPS to win SPS/EE in pvp?

Ahlynn, 7ippoBg and Weezer were only contributing the best they known to improve the Duelist class, there is no reason to spit on their face on their suggestions or opinion. There is no reason to call others stupid or something rude.  It will be better to CONTRIBUTE ideas instead of criticizing others idea and call pple stupid and try to make yourself 'seems' smart. 


Quote from: drago.n.et on October 22, 2009, 04:59:38 PM
Weezer... are u stupid or what? :D archer/glad... is it glad or archer? u use duals? hm? In this example is glad just support char for p.atk, barrier, move and more... but THIS IS NOT GLAD! Glad can be with pp or pl (w/o mutants). And tell how from this chars can win over some archer? If isn`t that archer BIG noob... he can`t defeated. Like I said... speed and longer range. Try take the best glad (or some good) against some not nooby archer with the same equip. U will see, that glad can`t win. Yes, glad was powa on oly (with pp). Nobody tell that me or some another boy/girl wants give it back... I just don`t want destroy this char. I just want win in pvp over some char or over some archer. I know that all protest here, cuz I protest against archers (70% of NM are archers). This is no fun if u see on NM just archer or mby sometime some mage. I hope that Track will make something for it...

The only stupid here is you...   :P

I only told about new options as GL subclass. Read other part of post and i hope u get my idea...

I also told about places to pvp like Varkas that's almost impossible for a GL as DD to win a pvp, but there's other places that a GL can make a good job.

Also u must remember if u can't kill the archer u should try to kill the healer.


Quote from: drago.n.et on October 22, 2009, 04:59:38 PM
Ahlynn... I have advise for u... try play on some glad char for few hours, cuz what u say here... aaaaah
1) Songs, Dances... against archers.... nice and I must have how much boxes?
2) Mby glad has 8621417 resists against archers but for what is it when glad has 154 speed and archer about 180 and has longer range :D Try think about it. Like I said before... when is glad vs. archer - glad (if he has luck) use 2-3 skill on long range (not strong like on short range) and big power? I see that u rly haven`t been play sometimes on this char. Yes... on NM are glads... but tell me how much (like I said before) ppl from them have dynasty or IC and some good equip? Hm? 5? 6?
GodFather... gl/ty can be nice char... and I trust that u choosed nice char, but no all ppl want mutant and u can`t make a lot of mutants with glad. The same is for 7ippoBg.
Weezer... are u stupid or what? :D archer/glad... is it glad or archer? u use duals? hm? In this example is glad just support char for p.atk, barrier, move and more... but THIS IS NOT GLAD! Glad can be with pp or pl (w/o mutants). And tell how from this chars can win over some archer? If isn`t that archer BIG noob... he can`t defeated. Like I said... speed and longer range. Try take the best glad (or some good) against some not nooby archer with the same equip. U will see, that glad can`t win. Yes, glad was powa on oly (with pp). Nobody tell that me or some another boy/girl wants give it back... I just don`t want destroy this char. I just want win in pvp over some char or over some archer. I know that all protest here, cuz I protest against archers (70% of NM are archers). This is no fun if u see on NM just archer or mby sometime some mage. I hope that Track will make something for it...
1) You don't have to have fistful of boxes, because as you might noticed, we are playing MMORPG and basis of MMORPG is cooperative game. And for this matter we have support classes. We have even stacking subclasses so mixing support/DD char is even lesser problem.

2) In case of problems while reaching an archer you have Sonic Move. Not to mention you have to be able to switch various sets of tattoos in order to be able to reach running target. I'll quote Furesy: 'Archer's range is bugged in Hellbound'. Where bugged = shorter.

I played HE/Glad a lot. I am not playing it anymore (because my precious toxii will be banned when servers will be up, I suppose), but I was using dual swords a lot. You want to know why? Because of all those anti-archer resists. None of them applies for Gladiator skills, so killing tanks were much more effective with duals than with bow.

As far as your imaginary duel between Archer and Gladiator is concerned... You can't say that n00b archer will win in every case. You have to take into the consideration, that stacking subclasses are changing a lot of aspects. Basically, every archer will suffer a lot while fighting Glad/tank. On the other hand, most of archers will defeat Glad/non-tank easily just due to kiting.

Orange part: Weird, few posts before there were 90% of archers on NM. I wonder why and how it changed when servers were down... ???

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on October 22, 2009, 05:34:12 PM
Orange part: Weird, few posts before there were 90% of archers on NM. I wonder why and how it changed when servers were down... ???

They got banned...  ;)