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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far) - Page 9



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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far)

Started by lucifsg, September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM

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People need to adapt to new playstyle.

Everyone complain about archers being OP but doesn't mean ur class is useless now, on mass pvp or sieges for example a NE/PP still is a good class to play, since in most of times u can debuff ur enemies and make the job easier to others kill. Not only NE/PP, but most important OL/XX.

But the main problem is everyone wanna play a pwnage char to kill everyone, we had times when archers r the best to play (stack skills), after it became like a LineMage, now archers r back to top. And soon maybe we will have mages on top again.

And everytime we had people complaining about it...

A server full of archers and WC/BD, WC/SWS bots?!? Rly hard to happen.


solution for QQing mages. Make mage tank or gtfo! Arrow resist for robes? HAHAH imagine mage/tank then, cuting range? hahah ye make archers a close combat fighters so we will start use daggers insted of bows. Decresing attack speed of ic bow? then why da fak i spend 230 coins for that shit? Start to think about it in real, and seriously buff urself better, ill take as example Wahka, im criting him from 700 to 1000 while he have drain and self heal, so dont tell me ill buttrape him so easy since all depends at ur sub. As he/pp i got nerfed so many times that im still curious why im playing this char. So just gtfo from others and make a char that ull find better than curently 1
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on September 23, 2009, 08:22:18 PM
As he/pp i got nerfed so many times that im still curious why im playing this char.

Cause u r our buff bot.  :)


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM
As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off

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Quote from: Sali on September 23, 2009, 08:22:18 PM
. Decresing attack speed of ic bow? then why da fak i spend 230 coins for that shit?

'cause through dony manager is the only way to get one? You ever thought....why mages paid the same amount of coins for a weapon/sa [Icarus] that gives JUST a little more mattack than an AM/sa? Wouldn't be fair to have something like 25-30% casting speed bonus [to "catch" your "custom made"  IC bow] ?


Quote from: Montana on September 23, 2009, 09:43:16 PM

Just look who is doing "+1" thing. A guy who never knew to buff himself. Lul.


Quote from: TheLox on September 23, 2009, 10:01:21 PM
Just look who is doing "+1" thing. A guy who never knew to buff himself. Lul.

i just wanted to say same thing...
<3 blue
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Well it seems that i am not the only person who thinks that archers are op. and it seems that i am not only the one who is playing 1 char almost for 4 years. and think the same about archers..  :-\

i rly wanna hear a reply from drake about that issue if archers are op or not but what i am saying that is same like saying i wanna someone telling me the Lototery number.  :D
To say I love you is easy
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Quote from: BRexoo7 on September 23, 2009, 09:54:42 PM
'cause through dony manager is the only way to get one? You ever thought....why mages paid the same amount of coins for a weapon/sa [Icarus] that gives JUST a little more mattack than an AM/sa? Wouldn't be fair to have something like 25-30% casting speed bonus [to "catch" your "custom made"  IC bow] ?
ye 100% more cast speed... ic bow is custom made since new buffs fuked up archers badly
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


                            IceZero                  StrikeForce




or give at ic hall 25% cast speed  :P

   there is life before death?