Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
U R really angry :(
Quote from: Iceblood on October 18, 2009, 04:53:42 PM
U R really angry :(
no, we Poles are fresh thinking ppl. We saved the Europe against Islam in the past ( r.i.p Sobieski) and we will do it again if you aren;t able. We spoke in Poland a lot in about this threat, because you becomes blind in the name of tolerance which destroys you from inside. And when you wake up it will be too late
That topic totally fits for a gaming forum. :o
nobody talks about L2 anymore (anything important), what u want to know yet after all those years.
But after all I can reach "my part" of the internet I used to be with since long time. I don't have to speak everywhere, every1 do what he can in his own area. So maby if there is some1 who doesn't know what threats are behind him, we can do smth "good". And I think that This case is more important than game stuff. It's like talking about game during the world war. But if you don't like it, just ingore that and live in ur own reality till some Islamic brainwashed man tell you what you have to do.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 05:55:51 PM
nobody talks about L2 anymore (anything important), what u want to know yet after all those years.
But after all I can reach "my part" of the internet I used to be with since long time. I don't have to speak everywhere, every1 do what he can in his own area. So maby if there is some1 who doesn't know what threats are behind him, we can do smth "good". And I think that This case is more important than game stuff. It's like talking about game during the world war. But if you don't like it, just ingore that and live in ur own reality till some Islamic brainwashed man tell you what you have to do.
allah is dead
C'mon zthrx ... USRR by 60 years "helped" ppl in east europe, now Islam help fix "mixed roads" of ppl in the west and north... justice must be ;)
...i nie bądź takim samolubem... "bratnia pomoc" im też się należy, może wtedy zmądrzeją ;)
Nothing on this planet brought more death and suffering than the thoughts and actions of which were related to what we call 'religion', yet they speak of sin to those who show no faith... Hypocrites, the truth shall set you free.
Quote from: Ungolianth on October 18, 2009, 07:28:58 PM
dont wanna be bastard here but many ppl in europe thinks same about polish ppl :) specialy in uk
what thinks? I wanna know
I have a couple friends I was in high school with in UK. They are working hard, doesn't trying to freak your social system. I think most of ****s work hard also, and ye for less than UK guys but they do it to survive.
And what Muslims do? do you know why there are most Muslims in UK than everywhere else? because of your extremely high Social allowance they do nothing, and "producing" more children to get even more $$. Your sick tolerance government who lets them locate in ur country. They wont be in Poland for a long time because our social system sux even for us.
And what you have from them ?
they wanna sharia as a common law
they wanna turn whole world into islamic shiit
there will be only ninja woman on the street
they take them all rights
u have to kiss the ground couple times in a day
u'll have to wear fakin dress and stupid cap
they can easily threat you but when you criticize those freakers it called a racism isn't that freaked up when some1 in your coutry can scream he gonna kill you and there is no response from police because it's not tolerance? wtf is goin on?
Islam is a sick religion made by idiots who couldn't even read, is focused to conquer the world and make it WORST. They are way back behind our civilization and they place is on this faking desert
Quote from: TrackZero on October 18, 2009, 09:32:08 PM
negro powa!
anyway - ungo in pl there is a lot of racist ppls :P trust me u wont see many not "pl" ppls in our country :P iff other ppls think like pl is same like uk for example i mean mix skin they wasnt never in pl .... but it only prove that our country have to still grow up ..... and especialy freak germans ofc
Quote from: jygh on October 18, 2009, 09:40:59 PM
anyway - ungo in pl there is a lot of racist ppls :P trust me u wont see many not "pl" ppls in our country :P iff other ppls think like pl is same like uk for example i mean mix skin they wasnt never in pl .... but it only prove that our country have to still grow up ..... and especialy freak germans ofc
our country isn't that racist. In XVI Poland was the most multi culture mixed country in Europe every third guy was foreigner, the Wold Wars changed everything and made that many left. So after communism our country is like it is, closed in itself. Our problem is we are culturally united thx to history against many enemies. And thats why Islam wont bother us for a long time and any other religion (in fact Catholic religion has a deep roots). But better to take attention of our buddies in Europe who really needs help. I think it's almost too late for UK to get off this disease from their country
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
Fighting my better instincts to actually seriously address this.
UK how can you let this happen
they tells you what to do in ur country- sick
Swimming pool's dress code for non-Muslims is scrapped
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 10:56:51 PM
UK how can you let this happen
they tells you what to do in ur country- sick
Swimming pool's dress code for non-Muslims is scrapped
Btw zthrx if i may notice, you signature is referred to Europe not to UK ;D
Quote from: TrackZero on October 18, 2009, 11:17:49 PM
Btw zthrx if i may notice, you signature is referred to Europe not to UK ;D
I care about all Europe :P so you wont see ninja women at the beach someday ;) if they "get power" in UK they'll do the same in every other country
Quote from: jygh on October 18, 2009, 06:01:54 PM
allah is dead
a deity cannot die.
on topic: i doubt fighting fire with fire will solve anything except causing more pain and death for some ... beliefs. which is totally stupid if u ask me.
O fuk. We need one spirit like you here in MNE. For those albanian ppl who are trying to make big Albania. Or as some1 says: USA - United states of Albania.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
I congratulate you, sir, for using such language and yet pointing out that
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
+ I assume you have nothing against muslims who obey consitutional laws of country that they reside in, right?
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
so you are from poland and are talking like this about another culture. wow
PS: Auschwitz was run by christians =)
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
u dont know shit about how is france dealing with religions
Quote from: israfael on October 19, 2009, 12:08:07 AM
I congratulate you, sir, for using such language and yet pointing out that
+1 for irony Rafal ;D
Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 12:05:27 AM
O fuk. We need one spirit like you here in MNE. For those albanian ppl who are trying to make big Albania. Or as some1 says: USA - United states of Albania.
Isn't that a map of Balkans in 1910 or so?
Quote from: vasu on October 19, 2009, 01:37:00 AM
Isn't that a map of Balkans in 1910 or so?
Was back then a Kosovo state and i didnt knew? ;D
u r one freaked up kid zthrx , i wonder if someone bad Muslim had bad influence on u in ur childhood xD ( if u know what i mean )
i know u r not following any religion and maybe u r a Darwin's theory fan and u believe u were a monkey somehow i dunno how is ur mind working rly but i dont expect much from u
judging religion or country or anything in the world based on 1 video or soem article or group of ppl , thats what i call " bloody blind brainless ignorant " , i advise u to read more about islam and the religions in general instead of following the news for anything that u wont like. that way u can learn more and actually maybe ur posts would make sense
i dont disagree that there is some freaked up muslim groups and other many from other religions but i never cared to criticize any or call others dogs just coz they did something i dont like and actually what r u thinking , U R SAVING THE UK FROM MUSLIMS FROM DN FORUMS ... seriously xD ?
and as for the clothes , whats ur problem ? everyone is free to wear whatever he likes , isnt that the freedom u r talking about ? did anyone force u to put a cap and robe before ? when u will understand that there r some different cultures apart from making vodka in basement and getting drunk 24/7 (oh wait thats not true not all polish doing that )some men in scotland / Turkey wearing skirts in some other women r proposing for men and other places women has to walk topless, the world is really big kiddo , try to use the internet in something more useful sometimes. and get to know the thing before u judge it.
and for women , did u know in the past before Islam women was used to get buried alive coz parents dont want girls and Islam came and changed that and put her place in society again , and for the desert part that really made me laugh and showed to me how ignorant u r , we r not living in the deserts actually some arabic towns r way better than any u have been too , take for example Dubai , ever been there ? i doubt , did u see any pictures of Arabic countries ? i still doubt , u r one of these ppl who has the same rudimentary thinking and views about us , u have lots of american spirit inside of u
Accusing Islam as a danger on a country , whats that actually comparing to Christian and jewish groups or u r just blind to see it , every religion has its bad side but pointing at Muslims as they r the danger thats bullshit
as for Maciek , Allah is dead , Allah is just a name , a different name according to language but its the same one god , i hope u understand that , so when u say allah is god it means yours is too :D ( see how dumb u r ? )if u have one maybe but i doubt , ur ugly dog is ur god xD
Calling group of ppl names whatever it is just because they believe in something u disagree with thats Racism , mr freedom
im off to uni , i will be late again , it's gonna take long before i come back , so take ur time in replying , dont rush into typing nonsense stuff
see ya menz
Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 12:05:27 AM
O fuk. We need one spirit like you here in MNE. For those albanian ppl who are trying to make big Albania. Or as some1 says: USA - United states of Albania.
where is MNE here ??? :>
I agree on most parts about muslims (imo really depends on wich country).
But i must say polish people don't behave like angels aswell.
In my country (Netherlands/Holland), all Female polish peepz move to my country to become a prostitude (really i've never seen/heard them doing someting else), and for the males: They come here to get a job that noone else in our country likes to do, they work hard without getting payed allot (truck drivers, packing things whole day, cleaning), but at night? you see them 'walking' over the street (more like moving from side to side) beqause they are drunk the whole damn time screaming KURWA KURWA + they make allot of troubles on the streets (beqause of the alcohol).
I just <3 chinese people, they never give you any trouble, you barely see them (only at night), they never complain etc etc. xD
Quote from: FadeAway on October 19, 2009, 01:47:16 PM
I just <3 chinese people, they never give you any trouble, you barely see them (only at night), they never complain etc etc. xD
that's because of their mentality. For koreans/japanese people is job at the first place no matter what. I've been working at one korean company recently and those korean bosses were firing people just because they were so cokcy and dared to sit for a minute... :D
later I've been fired as well but that's another story!
But you are right, they are working, they make their own bussiness, they are spending money at casinos and they are not making any troubles.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 01:41:41 AM
Was back then a Kosovo state and i didnt knew? ;D
Well, I didn't read everything on it (random excuse), but Albania was as big as that back then.
Wow Zthrx.... just wow. How can you make such a dumb post?
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
1. How that could happen in a Democratic country? Well..... You just answered that. If this was say North Korea who's not so much a democracy something like this would not have happened.
2. How can a dumb polish person call every muslim a dog.
3. If a Europeean would do that on the street NOTHING would happen. Thats the whole point of living in a free country dumbass.
4. Well.... Once again. Not everyone are afraid of muslims like you are. And I think america has already proven that violence just pisses them off.
And your next statement is retarded aswell. Do you really think the brittish ppl are so feeble-minded that they would start converting to Islam just because there's alot of islamic ppl there?
It's rather the opposite. For example a muslim thats born and raised in the UK, will most likely be influenced by christianity and atheism for that matter aswell. So instead of being tought that the coran is the one and only truth they actually get to chose for themselves.
And you also seem oblivious to the fact that most of europe think of polish ppl the same way. In sweden the polish ppl are considered to be the plague you say the muslims are to the UK.
And last but not least. Not all muslims are bad... In the same way that not all christians are bad. Sure the Coran has some wacky rules but so does the bible. For example; Adultery should be punished by stoning to death. No man is allowed to shave his beard nor sit on the same chair as a woman has sat on during her menstruation.
It's not the religion itself that causes death.... It's the mix of religion and the same attitude that you have.
And PS. Patriotism might not be racism... But patriotism is usually about your own damn country.
Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 12:05:27 AM
O fuk. We need one spirit like you here in MNE. For those albanian ppl who are trying to make big Albania. Or as some1 says: USA - United states of Albania.
for this yellow part forget really :-*
Quote from: 5ruci on October 19, 2009, 11:36:10 AM
heheh nice history lesons,just i wounder on whose side u r? from ur replay i see u defend muslims,right ? so u must be muslim ? :P
Maker of this post is right at one hand,islam is disese they r in every corner of world and they want to dominate the world.. DONT let them do that :P its just obvious that they r constantly trying to make smth that will make world war IV and maybe V if we make a live from IV ;D some day u will wakeup and u will go on breakfest and some muslim will eating near u in ur own house coz u let his country 10 y ago 2 take whats urs ::) same like they done with Kosovo
and yep im Serbian! So dont let muslim take whats urs like my stupid country alloweded..and now its 2 late 2 fight like man sayd.
yeah im a Muslim, and there is no world war IV or V unless the oil resources is gone and there's no discovery for another energy source , it wont be because of muslims .
and immigration is exist in every country and every country has its own problems , even my country Egypt has a lot of problems with african countries , about Kosofa and serbia , there was a war and it happened that they r muslims , dont mix things
Quoteand as for the clothes , whats ur problem ? everyone is free to wear whatever he likes
Quotewhen u will understand that there r some different cultures
Quoteand for women , did u know in the past before Islam women was used to get buried alive coz parents dont want girls and Islam came and changed that and put her place in society again
Rebel,there's no freaking way u'll convince anybody'bout the non-oppression women suffer in islamic cultures.
Btw,the place u'r talking'bout isn't as good as u want to pretend,there's no way u'll defend Islam against women's freedom.
Quotei know u r not following any religion and maybe u r a Darwin's theory fan and u believe u were a monkey somehow i dunno how is ur mind working rly but i dont expect much from u
Rather the logical evolution than the unbeliable stories that some ppl wrote in the past to control the society,and,secondary,to become rich and powerful.
Quoteevery religion has its bad side but pointing at Muslims as they r the danger thats bullshit
Not at all,u'r the most fanatic ones,consequently the more violence,easy to understand,right?
Chistianism nowadays is in perma crisis,and,no,I'm not christian,I'm atheist,but u talking like this is like lmao funny,there'r way better ways of defending a religion.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
Ok I tried to stay away but here goes. Time for me to defend my own nation (something I feel stupid doing on a gaming forum).
1. Look up the definition of a democracy, do you think it would really be a democracy if we did not allow freedom of speech? Why should we allow Geert Wilders to say what he wants and not any other group of people.
2. Its not a threat it is a belief, Muslims beleive that the Qu'ran is the ultimate source of law, nevertheless 99% of muslims in Britan have no difficulty in following both British law as well as Qu'ranic teachings. (And calling any ethnic/religious groups dogs because you don't like them is not patriotism but racism).
3. Did you actualy watch the video??? The protests were because the UK parliment would NOT allow anything to happen to Geert Wilders, for the same reason that we refused Irans request to extridite Soloman Rushdie to Iran in the past, because in this country we have freedom of speech, Geert Wilders can publish texts saying that we need to 'destroy Islam' just as any muslim can say this wish Wilders dead. Just because they say it, it does not mean Britan will allow either to happen.
4. Firstly do not confuse brainwashing with faith. I ive in Britan and I have never been threatened to be brainwashed by Islam more so than any other religion lol. Just because some one preeches something it doesn't mean I will follow it, do you seriously think that everyone in this country is that easily lead?? Have you ever been to this country, if you come here go down any main public street in London and you will here preechers from every faith trying to convert people.
Also why is it a sick religion? Because you don't agree with it, I am not a muslim myself but have studied Islam and it actually has some very moral teachings, and like all religions, it also has some not everyone will agree with.
5. I almost shouldn't coemment on this part lol. Firstly why should we cause a conflict whent here is no need? In the video you can see that the police had pre-planned crowd control. Now if these muslims were looking for a conflict would they have notified the council of their protest beforehand? I think not. They were merely excercising their right to freedom of speech.
Do you know the percentage of muslim women who where a Burhka? I suggest you look it up because it is minute, in fact I am lucky to see one every few days here in the UK, and with every passing generation the number is declining.
No one is 'raping' my freedom in the UK, and nobody will, in the same way that I will not 'rape' anbody else's freedom. In my country we retain the right to freedom of speech and that is the way it will remain for all people.
As for France, I can't comment a great deal as I am not all that aware of French poilitics, all I would say is go and google what Sarkozy has recently proposed with regards to the Burka.
Calling people 'Sick', 'Dogs' or 'ninja's' just because you don't like/agree with them was considered racism last time I checked.
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 05:01:41 PM
no, we Poles are fresh thinking ppl. We saved the Europe against Islam in the past ( r.i.p Sobieski) and we will do it again if you aren;t able.
Go back to 1938 and who was saving who? As far as I am aware the allied forces were saving polish ass's.
One last thing from me, before I write this I want you to be aware that I have had a polish girlfriend and have had polish friends.
You seem to be under the illusion that Britan is currently being invaded by Islam, well I will tell you this, its not.
If you go out on to the streets and ask anyone on a British street which nation if any is invading the UK then you will get one answer; the polish.
Since the expansion of the EU in may 2004 more polish people have entered the UK than any other single nation (with the exception of America). Of the polish people that immigrate to this country the overwhelming majority of them take up jobs as unskilled workers (Builders, cleaners ect ect.) which has caused something of a backlash towards some polish communities, we now have polish people taking jobs away from train professionals just because they are willing to work for £50 a day whereas the trained Britons are not.
Of course this is not the case with all polish immigrants (and I would never be as naive as you to generalise a who population by any one sample) but this is the feeling of many British natives.
QuoteOf the 1.42 million total number of immigrants who arrived in the UK since May 2004, 427,000 were people registering to work from the eight former Eastern Bloc countries which joined the EU in 2004, with the vast majority coming from Poland.
QuoteThe majority of Eastern Europeans came to work rather than for other reasons, such as to join a British spouse or to study, according to the analysis.
Source- (
All I am saying is.... Things can't be that perfect in Poland can they??
Quote from: Diabolical on October 19, 2009, 06:40:23 AM
u r one freaked up kid zthrx , i wonder if someone bad Muslim had bad influence on u in ur childhood xD ( if u know what i mean )
i know u r not following any religion and maybe u r a Darwin's theory fan and u believe u were a monkey somehow i dunno how is ur mind working rly but i dont expect much from u
judging religion or country or anything in the world based on 1 video or soem article or group of ppl , thats what i call " bloody blind brainless ignorant " , i advise u to read more about islam and the religions in general instead of following the news for anything that u wont like. that way u can learn more and actually maybe ur posts would make sense
i dont disagree that there is some freaked up muslim groups and other many from other religions but i never cared to criticize any or call others dogs just coz they did something i dont like and actually what r u thinking , U R SAVING THE UK FROM MUSLIMS FROM DN FORUMS ... seriously xD ?
and as for the clothes , whats ur problem ? everyone is free to wear whatever he likes , isnt that the freedom u r talking about ? did anyone force u to put a cap and robe before ? when u will understand that there r some different cultures apart from making vodka in basement and getting drunk 24/7 (oh wait thats not true not all polish doing that )some men in scotland / Turkey wearing skirts in some other women r proposing for men and other places women has to walk topless, the world is really big kiddo , try to use the internet in something more useful sometimes. and get to know the thing before u judge it.
and for women , did u know in the past before Islam women was used to get buried alive coz parents dont want girls and Islam came and changed that and put her place in society again , and for the desert part that really made me laugh and showed to me how ignorant u r , we r not living in the deserts actually some arabic towns r way better than any u have been too , take for example Dubai , ever been there ? i doubt , did u see any pictures of Arabic countries ? i still doubt , u r one of these ppl who has the same rudimentary thinking and views about us , u have lots of american spirit inside of u
Accusing Islam as a danger on a country , whats that actually comparing to Christian and jewish groups or u r just blind to see it , every religion has its bad side but pointing at Muslims as they r the danger thats bullshit
as for Maciek , Allah is dead , Allah is just a name , a different name according to language but its the same one god , i hope u understand that , so when u say allah is god it means yours is too :D ( see how dumb u r ? )if u have one maybe but i doubt , ur ugly dog is ur god xD
Calling group of ppl names whatever it is just because they believe in something u disagree with thats Racism , mr freedom
im off to uni , i will be late again , it's gonna take long before i come back , so take ur time in replying , dont rush into typing nonsense stuff
see ya menz
ok lets start
U didn't reply to even 1 point just because you don't know whats goin on in Europe. Yes I'm an atheist since couple years, I've broken charm of indoctrination, used to be always freethinker.
In 2 years I've read over:
20 religion/christian books,
whole bible,
52 from 73 science, atheist, rationalist, philosophical books from Orwell thru Friedrich Nietzsche to Sam Harris- End of faith. I have most of them in PDFs, but some in PL but easy to DL in eng if you want.
hundreds of articles, interviews etc I'm rly into religion case as a objectively observer. Used to talk with my catholic friends which knowledge based on bible (who don't even know it) is rly poor, but they believe in what leader says is sometimes sad. It's sad when some1 do a things against his will or don't even trying to rational think about some cases etc- long topic based on logical/rationalist/fresh thinking. I'm not so fluent in religion english words to make here philosophical elaboration. Dogmas is the biggest enemy of our civilization.
Maby your religion is good for you and works perfectly fine, and ur familiar with their rules since ur born but somewhere else in the world it can be a dangerous tool for some radical/fanatics ppl whos trying to get privileges- like radical muslims/ Islamist in UK do. There is nowhere written in coran that "god" loves you there are only responsibilities. I know history of coran and most of its rules. I know rules of sharia. I know alot about many religions in the world. I know some nice muslims even from DN, but you are not aware what others do in another parts of the world. The fact is Muslims do not assimilate with the UK culture or do not admonish local/country law as an Immigrants. If some1 is goin on a trip to another country he respect it's culture and rights/law. The fact is radical Islamic lobby already created sharia courts in Germany! this is respect to another culture? bringing own rules to another country and trying to make it force? You are telling " everyone is free to wear whatever he likes" no you are wearing what ur culture says, UK Islamist want's to bring burka for all women in UK, it wont happen, There are plenty cases where muslims threaten women in their environment for wearing loose clothers... Your religion is sick just when girl gets riped it's her fault!! and the punishment is death Militants stone to death Somali rape victim, 13 You don't know alot about ur religion what radical ppl do, or you don't want to know. Dozens cases of killing Christians in Egypt, burning their houses.
Egyptian police arrest 150 Christians for 'interrupting' Ramadan fast thats how looks tolerance and religious freedom in muslim countries, Christians and other religions has to observed Islamic law. I can write here tons of links about similar cases. The other popular topics are honor killing family members or killing for apostasy. There was Rly loud case of a muslim who left Islam and Islamic ppl wanted to deport him to kill him
"STOP Hussain Muradi’s deportation to Afghanistan" <-- sic
of course Europe ppl didn't let to deport him, so in that case UE is helpful - helps normal free ppl to release from this sick religion. If you need I will past here tons of tons links to that case with names so you will check this cruel truth. And ye many things happens in Egypt and you pretend or you don't know whats goin on.
"Christian killed for drinking tea from Muslim stall"
The fact is in Islamic countries you persecute ur citizens and pretend theres nothing happened.
and tons of tons similar
Christianity is also a dangerous religion, it wash brains if you haven't knowledge or you don't expect from life a lot, and prefer sacrifice your problems to some ghosts to clean your conscience. In the past Christianity also was choosing comfortable rules to conquer America. Crusades is the one the most black point in the history of this religion, burning witches, heretics etc etc.
Ok but it's enough about this religion, I'm not catholic anymore, but the most fun in this religion in my country is that this religion
usurps rights to morality. But morality rules are deep rooted in our history of our kind.
The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (10000 characters).
If we are at history We aren't from monkey, every species has it's own cousin that how evolution works. You can read rly objectively book of Richard Dawkins "the greatest show on earth: the evidence for evolution" it explains whole subject about evolution.
About us as a monkeys you can learn from his short video: sorry polish subtittles- but no time. You know whats funny that 40% of American population believes that earth is 6k years old as a bible says! thats all thx to Christian lobby. All their life is based on chosen rules from this book full of violence, rapes, killing, hate etc etc. it can't be a moral instruction if you read it (99% didn't). So you should read abit about science, archaeological discoveries - it's really Interesting! and you can learn alot how species were evolving. In fact religion was created by men, and the main point of it is to control ppl. The good book about religion roots is Daniel C. Dennett - Breaking the Spell - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
Islam is a dangerous religion even you think it's full of love just because you sit in ur chair and nothing happens all around you... radical Islamists wants too much rights and trying to tell ppl what to do. Muslims are passed to UE with whole families as a "cure" for European demography "problem", and mostly lives on social allowance which is super high in UK, and other some UE countrys (france, germany) so there is the most population. And in many speeches of Islamic leaders is conquest europe by reproduction, and turn it to Islamic. In UK are cities where 80-90% is muslims populations. There are muslims schools where Burka and other Islamic rules are observed in a democratic Country! This is bad, if you want to live in another country, respect and start to admonish it's law and culture. If not go back where are you from.
I can easily say that's ur knowledge about Political situation and European problems is less than minimal. You aren't open minded, so you are judging from ur religion point. Muslims in Europe: Country guide if you don't know if group is larger than 12% you can fight for your rights, I mean changing country law for national minority. Thats why Islamic leaders exhort to "production of children". And now problem becomes so big that in experts opinion Europe can become Islamic in 40 years. +- 2 generations.
I was in Turkey but in touristic part - alntalya, rly nice country. Even guide told us it's better to don't go to the north parts because they are radical Islamist parts, so we could have some problems. Life there sims to be quite normal, didn't see those radical parts so... but European situation with Islam is rly rly different. I've seen Dubai, nice desert who became huge city in short amount of time, only thx to Oil. 99% of food has to be imported. Thats why they used to buy agricultural areas all around the world. The oil will end in about 90 years after this time problems will come (faster world war for resouces). I'm good from geography I'm IT guy/photographer/photoreporter so I read alot, I see alot and I think alot.
If you want to converse with me better prepare yourself. Would be easier for me in polish, coz then my rhetoric is dozens times better. But I've tried to objectively write my point of View- so I hope I'm not so big younger 2 years kido than you.
and writing on a gaming forum? ye it's multi cultural community. plenty of buddies from all over the Europe. Hope they realize if Islam will rise in "power" in many layers national/politician it will affect on whole European Union!
You don't understand the problem just because you aren't one of those "smart" screaming loud Islamist on every corner that they gonna rule the Europe. This started and hope it's not gonna be too late to defend ourselves. this "political Tolerance" may kill Europe which gonna be under some archaic sick rules.
Cheers my chocolate man
piou piou
so boring
and let history do it again!
and all religions r sick
Quote from: Painkiler on October 19, 2009, 06:33:17 PM
and let history do it again!
and all religions r sick
The Turks lost at least 15,000 men dead and wounded in the fighting, plus at least 5,000 men captured and all cannons, compared to approximately 4,500 dead and wounded for the Habsburg-Polish forces.
The loot that fell into the hands of the Holy League troops and the Viennese was as huge as their relief, as King Sobieski vividly described in a letter to his wife a few days after the battle:
Ours are treasures unheard of ... tents, sheep, cattle and no small number of camels ... it is victory as nobody ever knew of, the enemy now completely ruined, everything lost for them. They must run for their sheer lives ... Commander Starhemberg hugged and kissed me and called me his savior.
I've always found that ANY religion is pure bullshit and always said it's for dumb people. There is no evidence there is a god, if there comes a day that there will be any I will go to church or what ever. In my eyes it's purely used to control people in a large scale. Altho I've got to say Muslims are the most retarted among all those believers. I personally hope that Wilders will win the elections and keep his word to get them out of Holland, immigration costs Holland 12 billion a year plus all the costs that those people bring with them. I've seen o other post from someone out of Holland talking something about Polish people 'n working in Holland and making trouble. I don't know from what village you are but in my city it's good to have Polish people instead of Muslims I've gotta say that we don't have many here cuz I'm from the North and people here in the North are way different then those in the West.
I'd like to see a Muslim free Europe it will only do us good, we don't need any workers anymore from Oestboekistan or where the freak they come from, xx% of the NATIVE population doesn't even have work so why give something away what you need? I'm going to talk about Holland now because I don't give a jackshit about France or the UK. Most Muslim people here don't work altho people will denie it but it's true, I can't blaim them I would do the exact same thing if I could had. It's not allowed to have more then one wife in Europe, as far as I know. So what do you do? You move out of a country where you had (let's say) three. You go to a country where it's only allowed to have one altho you bring the other two with you. So the next step will be to get social allowance (money from the state, money working people work for) you register once for you and your main wife and two times for your other wifes (This actually happens). This will do two things; You'll recieve money for your wifes, which of course hand the money to you because it's allknowing that females have less rights then my dog in her husbands eyes (Quran). You will not be forced to work and live a normal life so why care that a native person has to work everyday to buy his bread because he's actually paying you. This is exploiting the system and shouldn't be tollerated by the Dutch government, but they do but it still ain't a excuse for foreigners to do it. In Holland it's pretty damn normal these days to get waken up but a Mosque at 6 in the morning because they have to scream their stuff otherwise Allah wont hear them. I can continue endlessly about things like this but let's not ruinen the thread by making to long posts so that everybody gets bored and wont post anymore.
For those people saying that the Islam isn't bad. Why do you think that Wilders his political party has grown faster and bigger then any party before? Think about it.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 07:00:07 PM
I've always found that ANY religion is pure bullshit and always said it's for dumb people. There is no evidence there is a god, if there comes a day that there will be any I will go to church or what ever. In my eyes it's purely used to control people in a large scale. Altho I've got to say Muslims are the most retarted among all those believers. I personally hope that Wilders will win the elections and keep his word to get them out of Holland, immigration costs Holland 12 billion a year plus all the costs that those people bring with them. I've seen o other post from someone out of Holland talking something about Polish people 'n working in Holland and making trouble. I don't know from what village you are but in my city it's good to have Polish people instead of Muslims I've gotta say that we don't have many here cuz I'm from the North and people here in the North are way different then those in the West.
I'd like to see a Muslim free Europe it will only do us good, we don't need any workers anymore from Oestboekistan or where the freak they come from, xx% of the NATIVE population doesn't even have work so why give something away what you need? I'm going to talk about Holland now because I don't give a jackshit about France or the UK. Most Muslim people here don't work altho people will denie it but it's true, I can't blaim them I would do the exact same thing if I could had. It's not allowed to have more then one wife in Europe, as far as I know. So what do you do? You move out of a country where you had (let's say) three. You go to a country where it's only allowed to have one altho you bring the other two with you. So the next step will be to get social allowance (money from the state, money working people work for) you register once for you and your main wife and two times for your other wifes (This actually happens). This will do two things; You'll recieve money for your wifes, which of course hand the money to you because it's allknowing that females have less rights then my dog in her husbands eyes (Quran). You will not be forced to work and live a normal life so why care that a native person has to work everyday to buy his bread because he's actually paying you. This is exploiting the system and shouldn't be tollerated by the Dutch government, but they do but it still ain't a excuse for foreigners to do it. In Holland it's pretty damn normal these days to get waken up but a Mosque at 6 in the morning because they have to scream their stuff otherwise Allah wont hear them. I can continue endlessly about things like this but let's not ruinen the thread by making to long posts so that everybody gets bored and wont post anymore.
For those people saying that the Islam isn't bad. Why do you think that Wilders his political party has grown faster and bigger then any party before? Think about it.
I thought u came to attack me (coz most ppl do it here, w/o any knowledge whats goin on in Europe), So thx for objectively opinion about this situation.
"So the next step will be to get social allowance (money from the state, money working people work for) you register once for you and your main wife and two times for your other wifes (This actually happens). This will do two things; You'll recieve money for your wifes, which of course hand the money to you because it's allknowing that females have less rights then my dog in her husbands eyes (Quran)"
it happens in Poland with Chechnya ppl, they gets huge social allowance, even Poles doesn't gets so much by person! and they comes to us with whole families, and ruins our social system, also they doesn't working & prefer do nothing. The good thing is, we do not have such open-handed social system (as UK, Germany, Holland and France) with high allowance, thats why muslims aren't here yet.
In previous page, I wrote couple examples what muslims/islam do, hope ppl wont ignore that and start to do smth, instead of being freaking politically tolerant.
ah, yeah, let's talk about the battle of vienna and how awesome it was and let's kick everyone that mentions this little thing here ( because muslims are evil people with ninja women that only want to enslave us.
Quote from: israfael on October 19, 2009, 07:21:28 PM
ah, yeah, let's talk about the battle of vienna and how awesome it was and let's kick everyone that mentions this little thing here ( because muslims are evil people with ninja women that only want to enslave us.
do not pass the topic if you haven't anything interesting to say
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 07:26:02 PM
do not pass the topic if you haven't anything interesting to say
So please do elaborate on the relevance of the quote below to the general topic of this thread.
if you mention that battle and the glorious loot and stuff... why not mention the crusades?
seems very relevant.
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 06:45:14 PM
The Turks lost at least 15,000 men dead and wounded in the fighting, plus at least 5,000 men captured and all cannons, compared to approximately 4,500 dead and wounded for the Habsburg-Polish forces.
The loot that fell into the hands of the Holy League troops and the Viennese was as huge as their relief, as King Sobieski vividly described in a letter to his wife a few days after the battle:
Ours are treasures unheard of ... tents, sheep, cattle and no small number of camels ... it is victory as nobody ever knew of, the enemy now completely ruined, everything lost for them. They must run for their sheer lives ... Commander Starhemberg hugged and kissed me and called me his savior.
Having said that I'm out.
Quote from: israfael on October 19, 2009, 07:44:11 PM
So please do elaborate on the relevance of the quote below to the general topic of this thread.
if you mention that battle and the glorious loot and stuff... why not mention the crusades?
seems very relevant.
Having said that I'm out.
read previous page, I wrote huge post, also crusades by Christians. Something more? keep trying, or try to read
okey, in my opinion the problem is not that Muslims attacked some guy who I don't know, because similar things happen in all the countries, just with different minorities attacking different majorities. No big halo ever came from it.
Real problem is, that Muslims have way higher natality than European people and it was even told they will conquer Europe not by brute force, but via women and children. Why is that? It is also simple.. While most of current generation is focused on career and later on descendants (and today they have approximately 1 children, rarely more than 2), Muslims came from mostly poor countries (like Turkey - no offense, I just want to lure Velet and his nonsense flames) where coitus is their only fun. It has been told throughout last decades that six is the entertainment of poor people.
The solution? I am not qualified to offer solutions, because if I would be, I wouldn't be typing this reply, but I would be well paid politician or a similar joker. I can only give my opinion, and that is as following: Give them opportunity to study / work / live as all the other people of the west, they will no longer waste their time (except of few criminals) in crappy jobs, running crappy stores, .. I agree with kidicarus, they will be surely influenced by the environment and occasionally they will change their behavior. Fanatics you say? You cannot change them anyway..
There is no rule in Koran (although I read quite a while ago) that says 'you have to have more than 7 children!', it is their choice and I am sure they will change their mind with good (let's say 'western') way of life. Nobody force them to change their religion, it is not even religious problem, it is problem of their big natality.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:02:30 PM
okey, in my opinion the problem is not that Muslims attacked some guy who I don't know, because similar things happen in all the countries, just with different minorities attacking different majorities. No big halo ever came from it.
Real problem is, that Muslims have way higher natality than European people and it was even told they will conquer Europe not by brute force, but via women and children. Why is that? It is also simple.. While most of current generation is focused on career and later on descendants (and today they have approximately 1 children, rarely more than 2), Muslims came from mostly poor countries (like Turkey - no offense, I just want to lure Velet and his nonsense flames) where coitus is their only fun. It has been told throughout last decades that six is the entertainment of poor people.
The solution? I am not qualified to offer solutions, because if I would be, I wouldn't be typing this reply, but I would be well paid politician or a similar joker. I can only give my opinion, and that is as following: Give them opportunity to study / work / live as all the other people of the west, they will no longer waste their time (except of few criminals) in crappy jobs, running crappy stores, .. I agree with kidicarus, they will be surely influenced by the environment and occasionally they will change their behavior. Fanatics you say? You cannot change them anyway..
There is no rule in Koran (although I read quite a while ago) that says 'you have to have more than 7 children!', it is their choice and I am sure they will change their mind with good (let's say 'western') way of life. Nobody force them to change their religion, it is not even religious problem, it is problem of their big natality.
it's mainly religious problem which "leads them" it's full of orders and rules and leaders care about them to be observed.
" While most of current generation is focused on career and later on descendants (and today they have approximately 1 children, rarely more than 2), Muslims came from mostly poor countries (like Turkey - no offense" Yes and using social system and ruining it by creating big families. In fact a few work, and Europeans work fakin hard thats why they have no time to educate children, while our big problem is demographic niche which makes huge problem with pension scheme
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 08:16:46 PM
it's mainly religious problem which "leads them" it's full of orders and rules and leaders care about them to be observed.
" While most of current generation is focused on career and later on descendants (and today they have approximately 1 children, rarely more than 2), Muslims came from mostly poor countries (like Turkey - no offense" Yes and using social system and ruining it by creating big families. In fact a few work, and Europeans work fakin hard thats why they have no time to educate children, while our big problem is demographic niche which makes huge problem with pension scheme
again.. It is not written
anywhere in Koran they gotta spread like a rats. There is no rule telling them to have a set number of kids. So don't blame their religion for it. They just found out that having more kids = earning more money out of the social system. Make them work as hard as we do and they will think twice whether it is worth it to have 3+++ kids.
I suggest you to actually read a Koran, because there is not told to punish those with different religion, and definitely not to convert them by brute force. Jihad in Koran is something totally different from Jihad you heard about from daily news and newspaper. Not even Muslims are agreeing with it.
Quote from: israfael on October 19, 2009, 07:44:11 PM
So please do elaborate on the relevance of the quote below to the general topic of this thread.
if you mention that battle and the glorious loot and stuff... why not mention the crusades?
seems very relevant.
Having said that I'm out.
K now tell me why the freak most terrorists r muslims? hmm? or maybe Koran telling them to make holy war against others and repel them? like christians
600-700 years ago?
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 06:05:41 PM
ok lets start
In 2 years I've read over:
20 religion/christian books,
whole bible,
52 from 73 science, atheist, rationalist, philosophical books from Orwell thru Friedrich Nietzsche to Sam Harris- End of faith. I have most of them in PDFs, but some in PL but easy to DL in eng if you want.
dude...go play lineage
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:26:41 PM
again.. It is not written anywhere in Koran they gotta spread like a rats. There is no rule telling them to have a set number of kids. So don't blame their religion for it. They just found out that having more kids = earning more money out of the social system. Make them work as hard as we do and they will think twice whether it is worth it to have 3+++ kids.
Duties and practices
Five Pillars
Main article: Five Pillars of Islam
Muslims performing salah (Islamic prayer)
Rituals of the Hajj (pilgrimage) include walking seven times around the Kaaba in Mecca.
The Five Pillars of Islam (Arabic: أركان الإسلام) are five practices essential to Sunni Islam. Shi'a Muslims subscribe to different sets of pillars which substantially overlap with the Five Pillars.[49] They are:
* The shahadah[50], which is the basic creed or tenet of Islam: "'aÅ¡hadu 'al-lā ilāha illā-llāhu wa 'aÅ¡hadu 'anna muħammadan rasūlu-llāh", or "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except God and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God." This testament is a foundation for all other beliefs and practices in Islam. Muslims must repeat the shahadah in prayer, and non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam are required to recite the creed.[51]
* Salah, or ritual prayer, which must be performed five times a day. Each salah is done facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca. Salah is intended to focus the mind on God, and is seen as a personal communication with him that expresses gratitude and worship. Salah is compulsory but flexibility in the specifics is allowed depending on circumstances. In many Muslim countries, reminders called Adhan (call to prayer) are broadcast publicly from local mosques at the appropriate times. The prayers are recited in the Arabic language, and consist of verses from the Qur'an.[52]
* Zakat, or alms-giving. This is the practice of giving based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford it. A fixed portion is spent to help the poor or needy, and also to assist the spread of Islam. The zakat is considered a religious obligation (as opposed to voluntary charity) that the well-off owe to the needy because their wealth is seen as a "trust from God's bounty". The Qur'an and the hadith also suggest a Muslim give even more as an act of voluntary alms-giving (sadaqah).[53]
* Sawm, or fasting during the month of Ramadan. Muslims must not eat or drink (among other things) from dawn to dusk during this month, and must be mindful of other sins. The fast is to encourage a feeling of nearness to God, and during it Muslims should express their gratitude for and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and think of the needy. Sawm is not obligatory for several groups for whom it would constitute an undue burden. For others, flexibility is allowed depending on circumstances, but missed fasts usually must be made up quickly. Some Muslim groups do not fast during Ramadan, and instead have fasts different times of the year.[54]
* The Hajj, which is the pilgrimage during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the city of Mecca. Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her lifetime. When the pilgrim is about ten kilometers from Mecca, he must dress in Ihram clothing, which consists of two white seamless sheets. Rituals of the Hajj include walking seven times around the Kaaba, touching the Black Stone, running seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, and symbolically stoning the Devil in Mina. The pilgrim, or the hajji, is honored in his or her community, although Islamic teachers say that the Hajj should be an expression of devotion to God instead of a means to gain social standing.[55]
Main articles: Sharia and Fiqh
The Sharia (literally: "the path leading to the watering place") is Islamic law formed by traditional Islamic scholarship, which most Muslim groups adhere to. In Islam, Sharia is the expression of the divine will, and "constitutes a system of duties that are incumbent upon a Muslim by virtue of his religious belief".[56]
Islamic law covers all aspects of life, from matters of state, like governance and foreign relations, to issues of daily living. The Qur'an defines hudud as the punishments for five specific crimes: unlawful intercourse, false accusation of unlawful intercourse, consumption of alcohol, theft, and highway robbery. The Qur'an and Sunnah also contain laws of inheritance, marriage, and restitution for injuries and murder, as well as rules for fasting, charity, and prayer. However, these prescriptions and prohibitions may be broad, so their application in practice varies. Islamic scholars (known as ulema) have elaborated systems of law on the basis of these rules and their interpretations.[57]
Fiqh, or "jurisprudence", is defined as the knowledge of the practical rules of the religion. The method Islamic jurists use to derive rulings is known as usul al-fiqh ("legal theory", or "principles of jurisprudence"). According to Islamic legal theory, law has four fundamental roots, which are given precedence in this order: the Qur'an, the Sunnah (actions and sayings of Muhammad), the consensus of the Muslim jurists (ijma), and analogical reasoning (qiyas). For early Islamic jurists, theory was less important than pragmatic application of the law. In the 9th century, the jurist ash-Shafi'i provided a theoretical basis for Islamic law by codifying the principles of jurisprudence (including the four fundamental roots) in his book ar-Risālah.[58]
Religion and state
Mainstream Islamic law does not distinguish between "matters of church" and "matters of state"; the ulema function as both jurists and theologians. In practice, Islamic rulers frequently bypassed the Sharia courts with a parallel system of so-called "Grievance courts" over which they had sole control. As the Muslim world came into contact with Western secular ideals, Muslim societies responded in different ways. Turkey has been governed as a secular state ever since the reforms of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. In contrast, the 1979 Iranian Revolution replaced a mostly secular regime with an Islamic republic led by the Ayatollah Khomeini.[59]
Etiquette and diet
Main articles: Adab (behavior) and Islamic dietary laws
Many practices fall in the category of adab, or Islamic etiquette. This includes greeting others with "as-salamu `alaykum" ("peace be unto you"), saying bismillah ("in the name of God") before meals, and using only the right hand for eating and drinking. Islamic hygienic practices mainly fall into the category of personal cleanliness and health, such as the circumcision of male offspring. Islamic burial rituals include saying the Salat al-Janazah ("funeral prayer") over the bathed and enshrouded dead body, and burying it in a grave. Muslims, as with Jews, are restricted in their diet. Prohibited foods include pork products, blood, carrion, and alcohol. All meat must come from a herbivorous animal slaughtered in the name of God by a Muslim, Jew, or Christian, with the exception of game that one has hunted or fished for oneself. Food permissible for Muslims is known as halal food.[60]
Main articles: Jihad and Islamic military jurisprudence
Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God) and is considered the "Sixth Pillar of Islam" by a minority of Sunni Muslim authorities.[61] Jihad, in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "exerting one's utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapprobation." Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the devil, and aspects of one's own self, different categories of Jihad are defined.[62] Jihad, when used without any qualifier, is understood in its military aspect.[63][64] Jihad also refers to one's striving to attain religious and moral perfection.[65] Some Muslim authorities, especially among the Shi'a and Sufis, distinguish between the "greater jihad", which pertains to spiritual self-perfection, and the "lesser jihad", defined as warfare.[66]
Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants in the defense or expansion of the Islamic state, the ultimate purpose of which is to universalize Islam. Jihad, the only form of warfare permissible in Islamic law, may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, un-Islamic leaders or states which refuse to submit to the authority of Islam.[67][68] Most Muslims today interpret Jihad as only a defensive form of warfare: the external Jihad includes a struggle to make the Islamic societies conform to the Islamic norms of justice.[69]
Under most circumstances and for most Muslims, jihad is a collective duty (fard kifaya): its performance by some individuals exempts the others. Only for those vested with authority, especially the sovereign (imam), does jihad become an individual duty. For the rest of the populace, this happens only in the case of a general mobilization.[68] For most Shias, offensive jihad can only be declared by a divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community, and as such is suspended since Muhammad al-Mahdi's[70] occultation in 868 AD
this is not rly about childrens ;) they poison our brains!
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 08:33:27 PM
okey zthrx, you succeeded in copying and pasting the text. Can you at least point the relevant parts? Because there is no way in hell I would ever read it all :D
Hmm, strange, never thought the day would come I didn't feel like replying to a discussion topic on forums :D
Crap I just did! ><
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:38:53 PM
okey zthrx, you succeeded in copying and pasting the text. Can you at least point the relevant parts? Because there is no way in hell I would ever read it all :D
can't you learn smth about some religion? in a second some muslim here will write you know shit about Islam and tell you to stfu :>
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 08:42:52 PM
can't you learn smth about some religion? in a second some muslim here will write you know shit about Islam and tell you to stfu :>
I don't feel like learning today... and if some Muslim will come.. Let it happen, I'm not gonna crack. :)
I just wanted you to point out relevant facts to my quote... :)
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:02:30 PM
Real problem is, that Muslims have way higher natality than European people and it was even told they will conquer Europe not by brute force, but via women and children. Why is that? It is also simple.. While most of current generation is focused on career and later on descendants (and today they have approximately 1 children, rarely more than 2), Muslims came from mostly poor countries (like Turkey - no offense, I just want to lure Velet and his nonsense flames) where coitus is their only fun. It has been told throughout last decades that six is the entertainment of poor people.
Not so long ago we had a high natality in Holland aswell if you'd ask anyone above 80 they'd say they come out of a family from 8 people. Why not now you ask? Times got more expensive, they can't provide enough money to support it. If foreign want alot of kids who cares? Aslong as they can affort it which they don't. In general they don't work but produce kids, you know why? Child support (tax money), it's high in Holland so it's a nice income. It's not right to come into a strange country and not change your "attitude" You have to adapt, where 99% of them fail at. It's not Mekka here, we don't need Mosques it's already insane that my country build them for those people. As far as I know Holland was always a Christian country with Christian churches and not Mosques, but they WANTED them and the government build them from money people work for, do you think it's weird people get mad about this? I don't. They didn't say not by brute force, correct. But where did they say without brute force? I only hear Muslims achieving something with brute force, look around you.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:02:30 PMThe solution? I am not qualified to offer solutions, because if I would be, I wouldn't be typing this reply, but I would be well paid politician or a similar joker. I can only give my opinion, and that is as following: Give them opportunity to study / work / live as all the other people of the west, they will no longer waste their time (except of few criminals) in crappy jobs, running crappy stores, .. I agree with kidicarus, they will be surely influenced by the environment and occasionally they will change their behavior. Fanatics you say? You cannot change them anyway..
Son... This is Holland everybody has a opportunity here. You can't afford your study? No problem, the government will pay it. They'd even give you loans. The Dutch government even WANTS you to hire foreign people, if you have a company or something like that. They want people from Marocco to join the cops. It's not that there isn't work for them. No, they are to lazy to work. We're from Europe most countrys have high taxes so we have to work hard to have a piece of bread at the end of the day. It's way different from the places they come from. They aren't made to live in our society. It's like getting someone from the year 1500 and put him in 2009, it wont work simple as that.
I've got a solution tho and I'm sure more then 50% of Holland is willing to do this. Buy them a goddamn ticket back to where ever the freak they came from and never let them stand foot again on our ground. I'd even pay the ticket myself. It might seem a thought of a racist to you but in a monetaire system everything is about money, and they cost money alot of money. What do you do when you have hired someone and he got to expensive? Exactly you fire them.
Quote from: 5ruci on October 19, 2009, 08:34:27 PM
These topics r fun to replay when servers are down,i see u can doing this whole night and day,like u dont have smarter things to do :D
Why u all keep going with this replays,simply read my last replay before this one and see true face of problems.
Btw ,u posted Problems in UK,no how many children they have and what they eat.xaxaxa ;D
this is not UK problem only. We are in UE, so it affects on every country before or later. After those manipulating politics in UE parliament force to sing this Treaty of Lisbon it will be beginning to make Super-European country with central authority. Even these day UE tell us what to eat etc trying to regulate every aspect of our life...
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:26:41 PM
I suggest you to actually read a Koran, because there is not told to punish those with different religion, and definitely not to convert them by brute force. Jihad in Koran is something totally different from Jihad you heard about from daily news and newspaper. Not even Muslims are agreeing with it.
Quran Surah 2: The Cow:
Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6
Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10
A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24
Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39, 90
For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104
For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114
Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126
The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162
They will not emerge from the Fire. 167
Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174
How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175
Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191
War is ordained by Allah. 216
Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217
Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257
Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264
"Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286
What did you say?
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 08:46:59 PM
Not so long ago we had a high natality in Holland aswell if you'd ask anyone above 80 they'd say they come out of a family from 8 people. Why not now you ask? Times got more expensive, they can't provide enough money to support it. If foreign want alot of kids who cares? Aslong as they can affort it which they don't. In general they don't work but produce kids, you know why? Child support (tax money), it's high in Holland so it's a nice income. It's not right to come into a strange country and not change your "attitude" You have to adapt, where 99% of them fail at. It's not Mekka here, we don't need Mosques it's already insane that my country build them for those people. As far as I know Holland was always a Christian country with Christian churches and not Mosques, but they WANTED them and the government build them from money people work for, do you think it's weird people get mad about this? I don't. They didn't say not by brute force, correct. But where did they say without brute force? I only hear Muslims achieving something with brute force, look around you.
Son... This is Holland everybody has a opportunity here. You can't afford your study? No problem, the government will pay it. They'd even give you loans. The Dutch government even WANTS you to hire foreign people, if you have a company or something like that. They want people from Marocco to join the cops. It's not that there isn't work for them. No, they are to lazy to work. We're from Europe most countrys have high taxes so we have to work hard to have a piece of bread at the end of the day. It's way different from the places they come from. They aren't made to live in our society. It's like getting someone from the year 1500 and put him in 2009, it wont work simple as that.
I've got a solution tho and I'm sure more then 50% of Holland is willing to do this. Buy them a goddamn ticket back to where ever the freak they came from and never let them stand foot again on our ground. I'd even pay the ticket myself. It might seem a thought of a racist to you but in a monetaire system everything is about money, and they cost money alot of money. What do you do when you have hired someone and he got to expensive? Exactly you fire them.
I don't disagree, yet I wasn't talking about Holland, but about Europe in general.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 08:50:01 PM
Quran Surah 2: The Cow:
Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6
Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10
A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24
Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39, 90
For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104
For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114
Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126
The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162
They will not emerge from the Fire. 167
Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174
How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175
Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191
War is ordained by Allah. 216
Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217
Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257
Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264
"Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286
What did you say?
and now explain what is Jihad, because I insist on what I've written.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:51:48 PM
I don't disagree, yet I wasn't talking about Holland, but about Europe in general.
and now explain what is Jihad, because I insist on what I've written.
in my post is written what Jihad is
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 08:53:42 PM
in my post is written what Jihad is
Couldn't you just point it out with different color? :D
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:56:01 PM
Couldn't you just point it out with different color? :D
Main articles: Jihad and Islamic military jurisprudence
Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God) and is considered the "Sixth Pillar of Islam" by a minority of Sunni Muslim authorities.[61] Jihad, in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "exerting one's utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapprobation." Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the devil, and aspects of one's own self, different categories of Jihad are defined.[62] Jihad, when used without any qualifier, is understood in its military aspect.[63][64] Jihad also refers to one's striving to attain religious and moral perfection.[65] Some Muslim authorities, especially among the Shi'a and Sufis, distinguish between the "greater jihad", which pertains to spiritual self-perfection, and the "lesser jihad", defined as warfare.[66]
Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants in the defense or expansion of the Islamic state, the ultimate purpose of which is to universalize Islam. Jihad, the only form of warfare permissible in Islamic law, may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, un-Islamic leaders or states which refuse to submit to the authority of Islam.[67][68] Most Muslims today interpret Jihad as only a defensive form of warfare: the external Jihad includes a struggle to make the Islamic societies conform to the Islamic norms of justice.[69]
Under most circumstances and for most Muslims, jihad is a collective duty (fard kifaya): its performance by some individuals exempts the others. Only for those vested with authority, especially the sovereign (imam), does jihad become an individual duty. For the rest of the populace, this happens only in the case of a general mobilization.[68] For most Shias, offensive jihad can only be declared by a divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community, and as such is suspended since Muhammad al-Mahdi's[70] occultation in 868 AD
I think this. :D
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:51:48 PM
I don't disagree, yet I wasn't talking about Holland, but about Europe in general.
What happens in Holland happens all around the world. It's not only here it happens everywhere, take Germany for an instance, same shit.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:51:48 PM
and now explain what is Jihad, because I insist on what I've written.
The word Jihad is very wide, you should know that. I only know three; Controversial, Jihad saif and of course the Terrorist group that call themselfs Jihad. Which one you want?
Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 08:57:10 PM
Main articles: Jihad and Islamic military jurisprudence
Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God) and is considered the "Sixth Pillar of Islam" by a minority of Sunni Muslim authorities.[61] Jihad, in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "exerting one's utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapprobation." Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the devil, and aspects of one's own self, different categories of Jihad are defined.[62] Jihad, when used without any qualifier, is understood in its military aspect.[63][64] Jihad also refers to one's striving to attain religious and moral perfection.[65] Some Muslim authorities, especially among the Shi'a and Sufis, distinguish between the "greater jihad", which pertains to spiritual self-perfection, and the "lesser jihad", defined as warfare.[66]
Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants in the defense or expansion of the Islamic state, the ultimate purpose of which is to universalize Islam. Jihad, the only form of warfare permissible in Islamic law, may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, un-Islamic leaders or states which refuse to submit to the authority of Islam.[67][68] Most Muslims today interpret Jihad as only a defensive form of warfare: the external Jihad includes a struggle to make the Islamic societies conform to the Islamic norms of justice.[69]
Under most circumstances and for most Muslims, jihad is a collective duty (fard kifaya): its performance by some individuals exempts the others. Only for those vested with authority, especially the sovereign (imam), does jihad become an individual duty. For the rest of the populace, this happens only in the case of a general mobilization.[68] For most Shias, offensive jihad can only be declared by a divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community, and as such is suspended since Muhammad al-Mahdi's[70] occultation in 868 AD
I think this. :D
ah great, thank you Lox :D
okey, now you can clearly see the keywords. This orange sentence I mean. So connect it with I've written before and you'll have a clue about what was on my mind. :)
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 08:57:27 PM
What happens in Holland happens all around the world. It's not only here it happens everywhere, take Germany for an instance, same shit.
The word Jihad is very wide, you should know that. I only know three; Controversial, Jihad saif and of course the Terrorist group that call themselfs Jihad. Which one you want?
Tell me about all of them... Just to raise the intellectual level of nowadays topics. :)
There we go... someone lights a match and all the sudden the flame wars are re-ignited!
I will try to keep it short and not to kill you with boring long examples with only one idea would sum it up. Well, 3 or 4 actually ;D
1. The crimes made in the name of one's beliefs, no matter if christian (crusades) or muslim (jihad in the militaristic sense) are WRONG and are meant to be punished as any other crime, such as homucide, armed assault etc. in accordance to the lay rules of law.
2. Everyone has the right to have his/her own's beliefs regarding the Deity/the existance of God as long they dont try to impose it on others.
3. Christianity is not better nor worse than Islamism. Even more, the moral concepts of good/bad or worse/better cannot be used to compare those two, since both define good/bad in their own way. They simply cannot be compared in regards to which is "better" and which is "worse"
4. Religion is NOT bullshit. Hi Emiel. freak off Emiel. Even if God exists or not, which itself is another dillema that cannot be either proven or denied since there are no implacable arguments either way, religion is a bearer of millenia old traditions. Sure, some are old, some are obsolete, some are misinterpreted. But the age-old wisdom behind the religious texts is priceless, no matter how many narrow minded peasants misinterpreted or used it as an excuse for violence.
Wind, over and out.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 09:03:40 PM
Tell me about all of them... Just to raise the intellectual level of nowadays topics. :)
Not gonna make it too long because I want to watch Southpark.
Well as far as I know the controversial version goes like this; It's converting someone to become a Muslim, believe in the Islam without physically fighting.
Jihad Saif; Is the complete opposite and it's somekind of law how to have war against apostates. It's how to convert people to become a Muslim, believe in the Islam by force.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 09:20:12 PM
4. Religion is NOT bullshit. Hi Emiel. freak off Emiel. Even if God exists or not, which itself is another dillema that cannot be either proven or denied since there are no implacable arguments either way, religion is a bearer of millenia old traditions. Sure, some are old, some are obsolete, some are misinterpreted. But the age-old wisdom behind the religious texts is priceless, no matter how many narrow minded peasants misinterpreted or used it as an excuse for violence.
Religion IS bullshit. It's less true then the story of Peter Pan. It's made for controlling people, let me rephrase that controlling dumb people that rather have someone to think for them then thinking for themselfs. Age-old wisdom? People get smarter so freak old wisdom, it's bullcrap which you probably saw in a movie. There is never been a sign of god, NEVER. It's so stupid if you think about it dude. Many people give money to the church, you have to buy yourself in heaven? Everybody says Heaven is so great, why are they scared to die? They should lock every religious person up, they're a lumb of wood on someonebodys leg, or just shoot them way cheaper.
PS: It's Mr. Emiel for you.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
what a tard
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 09:29:20 PM
Religion IS bullshit. It's less true then the story of Peter Pan. It's made for controlling people, let me rephrase that controlling dumb people that rather have someone to think for them then thinking for themselfs. Age-old wisdom? People get smarter so freak old wisdom, it's bullcrap which you probably saw in a movie. There is never been a sign of god, NEVER. It's so stupid if you think about it dude. Many people give money to the church, you have to buy yourself in heaven? Everybody says Heaven is so great, why are they scared to die? They should lock every religious person up, they're a lumb of wood on someonebodys leg, or just shoot them way cheaper.
PS: It's Mr. Emiel for you.
you're digging your own hole in terms of this debate. allow me to help you a bit with the following example to show you were you are wrong.
There is a dark night and you are alone with an old lady, in a narrow street and there is noone around. You are strong and skilled with your knife, yet hungry and poor, she is old and filthy rich with her diamond rings and the purse full or money.
In order to simplify the example, u have only 2 options: kill her and get the money or walk away.
Lets analyse your reasons for choosing one of the two options:
1. Kill it. the logical thinking on which the theory of rational choice is based (google it) states only to analyse the cost/benefits of one action. Since noone is going to catch u and you have plenty of benefits to kill her, you will do it.
2. Don't kill her, since murder is a sin. Or, don't kill it because your moral sense tells you not to do that kind of act, even if you are an atheist.
BANG! here is the flaw in your thinking. What you actually think is your atheist sense of morality/justice it is the result of the influence religion had over society. If you trace it back in time, what is now lay law and moral athist codes stems in religious texts. Even the modern philosophy of good/bad in a lay sens stems from christian roots (
Now, if you will turn a (stupid) blind eye to that argument, lets consider two other things.
One is the historical argument of some barbaric cultures that were killing the elders or the handicaped or even caniballistic ones. just google for some.
The other is the following ipothetic example:
Lets presume you grew up without being told the meaning of what good/bad is (they stem from religion). What would stop you from killing that old lady?
Ps: if you're Mr. Emiel, that makes me Professor Wind.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 09:56:43 PM
Lets presume you grew up without being told the meaning of what good/bad is (they stem from religion). What would stop you from killing that old lady?
basic instincts. Morality is deep rooted in the history of our species. Morality doesn't comes from religion. Saying that you deny thousands of years of menkind history
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 09:56:43 PM
you're digging your own hole in terms of this debate. allow me to help you a bit with the following example to show you were you are wrong.
There is a dark night and you are alone with an old lady, in a narrow street and there is noone around. You are strong and skilled with your knife, yet hungry and poor, she is old and filthy rich with her diamond rings and the purse full or money.
In order to simplify the example, u have only 2 options: kill her and get the money or walk away.
Lets analyse your reasons for choosing one of the two options:
1. Kill it. the logical thinking on which the theory of rational choice is based (google it) states only to analyse the cost/benefits of one action. Since noone is going to catch u and you have plenty of benefits to kill her, you will do it.
2. Don't kill her, since murder is a sin. Or, don't kill it because your moral sense tells you not to do that kind of act, even if you are an atheist.
BANG! here is the flaw in your thinking. What you actually think is your atheist sense of morality/justice it is the result of the influence religion had over society. If you trace it back in time, what is now lay law and moral athist codes stems in religious texts. Even the modern philosophy of good/bad in a lay sens stems from christian roots (
Now, if you will turn a (stupid) blind eye to that argument, lets consider two other things.
One is the historical argument of some barbaric cultures that were killing the elders or the handicaped or even caniballistic ones. just google for some.
The other is the following ipothetic example:
Lets presume you grew up without being told the meaning of what good/bad is (they stem from religion). What would stop you from killing that old lady?
Ps: if you're Mr. Emiel, that makes me Professor Wind.
This is probably the most stupid example I've ever seen but oke lets do it.
What would stop me from killing that old lady? Simply if I would be poor and hungry I'd look for a job. You make your own choices, not some book. It's plain stupid you even bring this up like you're saying religion makes you a better person, which it doesn't. I can't compare it to a non-religious world because there isn't any and we'll never know. What I do know is that we would had been way further without it. Religion is holding people back to do things. It gave people fear and tryd to act good because otherwise they'd go to hell. As I already said in a prev post "People get smarter" How many people do you actually know that are Christian? That actually go to Church every week? I don't know any but somehow they know how to behave themselfs without a relgion. It was normal to burn a woman in the mid-ages when they tought she was a Witch (also a lol story or do you believe in Witches aswell?) Ask anyone around you and ask them what they think about that. People change, always been that way and no book will change that. The only thing it does is making you struggle. Now give me a answer on this one, first I'll drop back on a point. I assume you think it's not of our time to burn a female, right? But how is it about to stone a person because he's not Muslim? How a law that litterly allows you to kill someones brother when somebody killed your brother? The Islam is out of age friend when ever you like it or not. Christianity changed and if they didn't nobody but nobody would had been a believer anymore. We're a complete different kind of people (speaking of Muslims etc, Europeeans) You should see it like time stopped for 500 years in Arabic countrys and we continued time. It shouldn't exist in the first way all religions its a waste of time, money and lifes. Not that I want to talk good about the Christians, they should shoot them aswell. It's already clear to most of the people that no religion helps you, technology helps mankind not some delusional thoughts about a greater power that never helps anyone. Sience never gave any proof of God so it doesn't exist, it's all baloony.
If you're a Professor then I'm Sir Emiel von Baffendorf, Hi!
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 10:14:22 PM
base instincts. Morality is deep rooted in the history of our species. Morality doesn't comes from religion. Saying that you deny thousands of years of menkind
if you would grow up in a society that kills every member pass 50 as a part of its culture, you would think otherwise.
The culture in which you grow defines the concepts of good and bad. There is no such thing of "instinct to spare a life". Humans without culture and society are esentially like any other mamal, lets say wolfs. And wolfs slay an old deer if they see one and they are hungry.
And the part of the culture in which u grew up and helped you form your moral principles stems from religion.
just no comment :D
but it has its brighter side! you can browse photos...
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 10:20:08 PM
just no comment :D
but it has its brighter side! you can browse photos...
There's this one as well:
"How to Convert to Islam
How to convert and become a Muslim with Live Help by chat"
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
This is probably the most stupid example I've ever seen but oke lets do it.
What would stop me from killing that old lady? Simply if I would be poor and hungry I'd look for a job.
You barely started the reply and you changed the example. I said there were 2 options: kill or dont kill. i wasnt speaking about future, jobs and so on. It was a simple example with two simple choices, just to make it simple. Was it too hard?
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
You make your own choices, not some book.
D'oh, ofc you make them, but the inner reasons why you make them are based on how the religion influenced the human society.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
It's plain stupid you even bring this up like you're saying religion makes you a better person, which it doesn't.
It makes a better society and a better society creates better citizens.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
I can't compare it to a non-religious world because there isn't any and we'll never know.
Finally something true, but that was rather easy to get T_T
What I do know is that we would had been way further without it.
Based on what arguments?
Religion is holding people back to do things.
Damn right, like killing that old lady
It gave people fear and tryd to act good because otherwise they'd go to hell. As I already said in a prev post "People get smarter" How many people do you actually know that are Christian? That actually go to Church every week? I don't know any but somehow they know how to behave themselfs without a relgion. It was normal to burn a woman in the mid-ages when they tought she was a Witch (also a lol story or do you believe in Witches aswell?) Ask anyone around you and ask them what they think about that.
Those are just plain examples of what narrow-minded people get from religion. Fortunatelly, that is only one side of the coin
People change, always been that way and no book will change that. The only thing it does is making you struggle. Now give me a answer on this one, first I'll drop back on a point. I assume you think it's not of our time to burn a female, right? But how is it about to stone a person because he's not Muslim? How a law that litterly allows you to kill someones brother when somebody killed your brother? The Islam is out of age friend when ever you like it or not. Christianity changed and if they didn't nobody but nobody would had been a believer anymore. We're a complete different kind of people (speaking of Muslims etc, Europeeans) You should see it like time stopped for 500 years in Arabic countrys and we continued time. It shouldn't exist in the first way all religions its a waste of time, money and lifes.
You have a point here, muslims tend to apply the meaning of the text in a very simple way.
Not that I want to talk good about the Christians, they should shoot them aswell. It's already clear to most of the people that no religion helps you, technology helps mankind not some delusional thoughts about a greater power that never helps anyone. Sience never gave any proof of God so it doesn't exist, it's all baloony.
Science cannot measure the all-encompasing
If you're a Professor then I'm Sir Emiel von Baffendorf, Hi!
Ps: I was bored of copying the code for quote, so i used colors.
Quote from: Zuluman on October 19, 2009, 05:03:04 PM
Go back to 1938 and who was saving who? As far as I am aware the allied forces were saving polish ass's.
allied forces did not saved Polish ass`s as you know ... By the way did you knowed about on the defend of the London who was defend it really? who was fighting in the plains?? I will tell that about you know only 1/9999999 part of story or you get lied by some one who know sh1t. Polish Peoples was freaked up from the beggin, they where fighting on the every front of the Europe.
Polish peoples not only fighted for themselfs. They where fighting for freedom everywhere. They where really hated from every side and the most funny is that they where forgotten.
sooo for get loose funny link xD
It`s funny cuz i thinked about the think what are going on in Europe. Somebody sayed about Polish peoples almost the same like muslims. Nope you are wrong, true is that meaby we are cheap workers but we do every our job how we can best.
I think that every religion are sh1tyyyy, every religion have to much lie`s and we know only some part of knowledge with one the high priestes have. That make me feel sad cuz i have to live in no-knowledged-life.
You think that every religion love you?? Nope tadam every kind of religion is the same all of this is brainwash with one make kind of peoples fussed. From the beggin you getting out from our mother and you get owned by some religion. You don`t know if it`s good or if it`s bad. You do what day say. They say you go to the church- you make it . They say you pray when sun goes down - you do it. They say Kill a sheep or your brother - you do it(you haven`t chose). I know that, that i know sh1t about world, religions, life, philopshy, etc. etc. But i know one thing that peoples are the same almost everywhere, and every civilization or religion want to be the chossen one. The Only One. The First.
Fight will never end before we will don`t efface every kind of releigion from the world(cuz it`s destroying Humanity).
Quote from: Zuluman on October 19, 2009, 05:03:04 PM
Go back to 1938 and who was saving who? As far as I am aware the allied forces were saving polish ass's.
Poland could defeat Germany but we got backstabed by Russians. Poland got sold that was the beginning of our end- fighting on 2 fronts.
If you would like to know in my area Żywiec/ soutern Poland, my granparents & around 500 soldiers stopped 10k german army between mountains for 1 week. Keep to fire from the bunkers with no escape. They all died, and after all Germans were looking where the others escaped, after they figured out we were fighting to the end (because there was no tunells from the bunkers to escape) they hanged the survivors and made tribute to them.
I see here many good common sense replies to this topic. Yes people around the globe are different. Islamic/muslims ppl are more tolerant towards yours christianity than you are to them and the muslims community have about 1,5 bilion people. Wonder why ?
funny thing more is that france peoples they was has a Maginot Line and they give up first ;) In Poland you can see much of Paradoks and the biggest one was that we were almost like Spratans :)
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 07:00:07 PM
For those people saying that the Islam isn't bad. Why do you think that Wilders his political party has grown faster and bigger then any party before? Think about it.
Are you actually saying that the fact this party grew bigger and bigger than any other party before (and the fact this party leads a struggle against Islam) has the following signification : Islam is bad ?
Either i am dumb either this is what you mean, then what about Hitler's party who grew bigger and bigger back in the 19's ?
Quote from: our4n0s on October 19, 2009, 11:42:01 PM
Are you actually saying that the fact this party grew bigger and bigger than any other party before (and the fact this party leads a struggle against Islam) has the following signification : Islam is bad ?
Either i am dumb either this is what you mean, then what about Hitler's party who grew bigger and bigger back in the 19's ?
do not mislead hitler with this topic, this is completely different story, focused on a man who got a power and used it to his own purpose. That was mainly racist basis. Hitler was Christian, he thought he is a hand of the god sent to punish Jews for killing Jesus - google abit or read his speeches. Richard Dawkins writes rly good about it in " god's delusion"
Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 11:46:26 PM
do not mislead hitler with this topic, this is completely different story, focused on a man who got a power and used it to his own purpose. That was mainly racist basis. Hitler was Christian, he thought he is a hand of the god sent to punish Jews for killing Jesus - google abit or read his speeches. Richard Dawkins writes rly good about it in " god's delusion"
that's not the point, emiel said that the fact a prty grew faster and bigger than any other party before means this party is right and this is total, complete bullshit, that's the only reason i wrote the previous post ..... but w/e
freak this hate topic, check out this, is far more interesting :
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 20, 2009, 12:45:54 AM
freak this hate topic, check out this, is far more interesting :
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
Quote from: BOM on October 20, 2009, 08:44:07 AM
hey that ain't nice to say. Typical behaivour ::)
To keep the topic rolling, long convo's and all, but let's think what we could do about the currient situation (saying stuff like: shoot them all aint a option xD).
Indeed. It's aN option.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
This is pure amalgame, it is not because of a few people u can judge all muslim or u can judge islam.
There is 53 million muslim in Europe, 18M in UE : how many terrorists ?
Notice there is not 1 islam, but many kind, and muslim population can be very diferent from one place to another.
Looking to present and past history, it is not hard to see how muslim population are not well considered by our governement
irak, oil, afghanistan, israel/palestine, parting of Ottoman empire in 1919, colonisation, slavery, racism.
Islam is the biggest religion and it was un-considered and frustrated since more than 100 years.
So i can understand that a few people in that big community become radical and extremist.
Another important point here is the personality of Geert Wilders : he is, maybe like u : an anti-islamic politician able to say " islam is terrorim "
This is again pure populist, amalgame. He is like french Le Pen, italian Bossi etc
So in your video, we see stupid bearded muslim extremist arguing against a racist aryan politician extremist : best would be they kill each other for once, after will be quiet !!!
Those kind of people are extremist, they are NOT representative of global population.
One prob here is media society, News always show the bad point : they cry about a black guy raping a white girl, but they will never speak about all the mixed couple having happy six the same day.
To see, just shut off the TV.
For European, the big deal is to manage integration of people comming from Afghan/Irak, and Africa. We used and abused there ressource during years and we continue. So it is normal we get immigration. Most of those travelers have good studing level, it is not that hard to integrate them, the descent way, they are very motivated to have a simple job & house. Don't forget it is our companies that take the more advantages of cheap illegal workers ....
For Muslims, the big deal is about Islam modernisation, like christian did in 1975 with Vatican II council. Somes texts, like haddits was okay for shepherd in desert 1300 years ago, but now they don't feet with our civilisation.
But for both side, it is totally stupid to say that the other is only evil etc ...
It will be easyer to live together in peace than in war.
In the end your post is stupid, racist, and it shows brainwach is still working.
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
I cant read all this topic and post ... but i know te answere on 5 part .
You were in UK right? Do you saw britan women ?? I am not surprised that UK men sit quietly. I would also prefer to look on ninja than on those monsters :P
Quote from: Shreed on October 20, 2009, 02:49:34 PM
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
I cant read all this topic and post ... but i know te answere on 5 part .
You were in UK right? Do you saw britan women ?? I am not surprised that UK men sit quietly. I would also prefer to look on ninja than on those monsters :P
ye, what a monster. :D :D
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 20, 2009, 03:04:50 PM
ye, what a monster. :D :D
Nice farmer =D
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 20, 2009, 03:12:20 PM
Nice farmer =D
farmer? you mean she is TY/DE? Damn I want to see her on frenzy and zealot!
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 20, 2009, 03:13:04 PM
farmer? you mean she is TY/DE? Damn I want to see her on frenzy and zealot!
I'm getting a hard one already :-[
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 20, 2009, 03:13:04 PM
farmer? you mean she is TY/DE? Damn I want to see her on frenzy and zealot!
XDDD U have to bring her to 30% hp or lower =-DDDDD
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on October 20, 2009, 03:24:39 PM
XDDD U have to bring her to 30% hp or lower =-DDDDD
and how will ya gonna do that? put a bag on her head close it till she on 30% of her breathing capacity? or xD?
Quote from: x23 on October 20, 2009, 02:20:51 PM
This is pure amalgame, it is not because of a few people u can judge all muslim or u can judge islam.
There is 53 million muslim in Europe, 18M in UE : how many terrorists ?
Notice there is not 1 islam, but many kind, and muslim population can be very diferent from one place to another.
Looking to present and past history, it is not hard to see how muslim population are not well considered by our governement
irak, oil, afghanistan, israel/palestine, parting of Ottoman empire in 1919, colonisation, slavery, racism.
Islam is the biggest religion and it was un-considered and frustrated since more than 100 years.
So i can understand that a few people in that big community become radical and extremist.
Another important point here is the personality of Geert Wilders : he is, maybe like u : an anti-islamic politician able to say " islam is terrorim "
This is again pure populist, amalgame. He is like french Le Pen, italian Bossi etc
So in your video, we see stupid bearded muslim extremist arguing against a racist aryan politician extremist : best would be they kill each other for once, after will be quiet !!!
Those kind of people are extremist, they are NOT representative of global population.
One prob here is media society, News always show the bad point : they cry about a black guy raping a white girl, but they will never speak about all the mixed couple having happy six the same day.
To see, just shut off the TV.
For European, the big deal is to manage integration of people comming from Afghan/Irak, and Africa. We used and abused there ressource during years and we continue. So it is normal we get immigration. Most of those travelers have good studing level, it is not that hard to integrate them, the descent way, they are very motivated to have a simple job & house. Don't forget it is our companies that take the more advantages of cheap illegal workers ....
For Muslims, the big deal is about Islam modernisation, like christian did in 1975 with Vatican II council. Somes texts, like haddits was okay for shepherd in desert 1300 years ago, but now they don't feet with our civilisation.
But for both side, it is totally stupid to say that the other is only evil etc ...
It will be easyer to live together in peace than in war.
In the end your post is stupid, racist, and it shows brainwach is still working.
dude read all pages where we made nice conversations mkay? the first post was an detonator. After you read all pages in this topic come and write smth smart cause you don't know a shiit
Quote from: Torek [IF] on October 20, 2009, 04:22:07 PM
+1 uk girls are very ugly (not all ofc but 85%)
vikki blows the most hot UK woman
Yes sorry i was WRONG
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 10:31:04 PM
You barely started the reply and you changed the example. I said there were 2 options: kill or dont kill. i wasnt speaking about future, jobs and so on. It was a simple example with two simple choices, just to make it simple. Was it too hard?
D'oh, ofc you make them, but the inner reasons why you make them are based on how the religion influenced the human society.
It's a piece of shit example, like people would kill somebody faster when they wouldn't had a religion. Numbers don't lie and there is nothing that claimed so many lifes as religions on this world. It were choices that both were bad either for me or the other person. Live is full with chances and choices and nobody would do the exact same, thats what makes us human. Not to think about I couldn't even make that choice, I just told you what it's most logical. Getting a job, you always have more as one choice. Well with that second part of your post "reasons blablabla religion influenced" that part. So in a way you just said that the Islam is bad because they influenced Terrorists to kill innocent people. Thank you case closed.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 10:31:04 PMBased on what arguments?
Not based on arguments, based on truth. For example; I assume you know that it's possible to see with a scan if your unborn baby will be retarted, have any deceases or what ever. But did you know that they can cure a child that will be retarted even before it's born? While it's "being-made" in the stomach of the female? Well if you didn't, check it up. Anyway many Christian partys are against this and call this acting by the hand of god. They let someone be retarted while he could be a normal person. There are many cases like these which arent correct. Like getting blood from someone else, also not allowed by Christians. They let someone die because the bibble didn't allow them to safe a life with a blood transfusion.
You can't lose when you use good arguments in a discussion, but when someone throws in the truth then arguments don't mean jack-shit anymore.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 10:31:04 PMDamn right, like killing that old lady
It's not about a religion, it's about how the person got raised. Look around you most people that don't have any religion mostly grow faster in any other way for example school. People make choices that are based in interpretation of that person. You can never predict what somebody else is going to do, because you can't see whats going on his/her mind. For that I can tell you it's bullshit that religion has anything to do with it.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 10:31:04 PMThose are just plain examples of what narrow-minded people get from religion. Fortunatelly, that is only one side of the coin
Tell me something that's true about any religion, please. As far as I know there are MANY religions even before Jesus, Allah, etc. It started all out in Egypt as I know. Thank god many of these books got burned or didn't even make the sunlight. 99% of these books tell the same story but with a different god. Religious people are the narrow-minded and take a few words to seriously when it's surely a joke and an insult to mankind.
People change, always been that way and no book will change that. The only thing it does is making you struggle. Now give me a answer on this one, first I'll drop back on a point. I assume you think it's not of our time to burn a female, right? But how is it about to stone a person because he's not Muslim? How a law that litterly allows you to kill someones brother when somebody killed your brother? The Islam is out of age friend when ever you like it or not. Christianity changed and if they didn't nobody but nobody would had been a believer anymore. We're a complete different kind of people (speaking of Muslims etc, Europeeans) You should see it like time stopped for 500 years in Arabic countrys and we continued time. It shouldn't exist in the first way all religions its a waste of time, money and lifes.
You have a point here, muslims tend to apply the meaning of the text in a very simple way.
Not that I want to talk good about the Christians, they should shoot them aswell. It's already clear to most of the people that no religion helps you, technology helps mankind not some delusional thoughts about a greater power that never helps anyone. Sience never gave any proof of God so it doesn't exist, it's all baloony.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 10:31:04 PMScience cannot measure the all-encompasing
Sience is the only thing that proofs things. It gets based on facts and in the world of sience you don't need to proof something doesn't excists, that something has to proof it excists which it never did. Conclusion Religion is a big x-man cartoon but with older charracters.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 10:31:04 PMHi!
Ps: I was bored of copying the code for quote, so i used colors.
Your boredom is making me lose interest in this thread.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 20, 2009, 05:19:46 PM
It's a piece of shit example, like people would kill somebody faster when they wouldn't had a religion. Numbers don't lie and there is nothing that claimed so many lifes as religions on this world. It were choices that both were bad either for me or the other person. Live is full with chances and choices and nobody would do the exact same, thats what makes us human. Not to think about I couldn't even make that choice, I just told you what it's most logical. Getting a job, you always have more as one choice. Well with that second part of your post "reasons blablabla religion influenced" that part. So in a way you just said that the Islam is bad because they influenced Terrorists to kill innocent people. Thank you case closed.Not based on arguments, based on truth. For example; I assume you know that it's possible to see with a scan if your unborn baby will be retarted, have any deceases or what ever. But did you know that they can cure a child that will be retarted even before it's born? While it's "being-made" in the stomach of the female? Well if you didn't, check it up. Anyway many Christian partys are against this and call this acting by the hand of god. They let someone be retarted while he could be a normal person. There are many cases like these which arent correct. Like getting blood from someone else, also not allowed by Christians. They let someone die because the bibble didn't allow them to safe a life with a blood transfusion.
You can't lose when you use good arguments in a discussion, but when someone throws in the truth then arguments don't mean jack-shit anymore.
It's not about a religion, it's about how the person got raised. Look around you most people that don't have any religion mostly grow faster in any other way for example school. People make choices that are based in interpretation of that person. You can never predict what somebody else is going to do, because you can't see whats going on his/her mind. For that I can tell you it's bullshit that religion has anything to do with it.Tell me something that's true about any religion, please. As far as I know there are MANY religions even before Jesus, Allah, etc. It started all out in Egypt as I know. Thank god many of these books got burned or didn't even make the sunlight. 99% of these books tell the same story but with a different god. Religious people are the narrow-minded and take a few words to seriously when it's surely a joke and an insult to mankind.
People change, always been that way and no book will change that. The only thing it does is making you struggle. Now give me a answer on this one, first I'll drop back on a point. I assume you think it's not of our time to burn a female, right? But how is it about to stone a person because he's not Muslim? How a law that litterly allows you to kill someones brother when somebody killed your brother? The Islam is out of age friend when ever you like it or not. Christianity changed and if they didn't nobody but nobody would had been a believer anymore. We're a complete different kind of people (speaking of Muslims etc, Europeeans) You should see it like time stopped for 500 years in Arabic countrys and we continued time. It shouldn't exist in the first way all religions its a waste of time, money and lifes.
You have a point here, muslims tend to apply the meaning of the text in a very simple way.
Not that I want to talk good about the Christians, they should shoot them aswell. It's already clear to most of the people that no religion helps you, technology helps mankind not some delusional thoughts about a greater power that never helps anyone. Sience never gave any proof of God so it doesn't exist, it's all baloony.Sience is the only thing that proofs things. It gets based on facts and in the world of sience you don't need to proof something doesn't excists, that something has to proof it excists which it never did. Conclusion Religion is a big x-man cartoon but with older charracters.
Your boredom is making me lose interest in this thread.
fine, but we are already tired of those craps. It was fun for like 9 pages when servers were down, but it is just not funny anymore. Either post some nice UK girl or shut up finally. :D
Quote from: our4n0s on October 19, 2009, 11:42:01 PM
Are you actually saying that the fact this party grew bigger and bigger than any other party before (and the fact this party leads a struggle against Islam) has the following signification : Islam is bad ?
Either i am dumb either this is what you mean, then what about Hitler's party who grew bigger and bigger back in the 19's ?
The party of Geert Wilders (PVV) was the first party that entered the "tweede kamer" it's a room where all the top politicans talk about useless stuff mostly with the biggest amounth of zetels (each zetel is a seat in the tweede kamer). It never happened beforet that a new party because so many seats in that room. They do ratings so now and then and yes the PVV is the biggest political party of Holland at the moment. It's not about that the Islam is bad, it's about changing the Dutch culture to a Muslim culture. It's about foreigners that do not know how to behave and respect native people, they had their changes for many and many years but as we all know you can't do a shitty job for ever and be fine with it, you'll change it. Hitlers party was way different better read some stuff on wikipedia if you have any interest in this.
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 20, 2009, 05:23:09 PM
fine, but we are already tired of those craps. It was fun for like 9 pages when servers were down, but it is just not funny anymore. Either post some nice UK girl or shut up finally. :D
There you go, now stfu and get back on topic.
EDIT: Just saw my post and it god freaked up somehow, dunno why, the previous one I mean of course.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 20, 2009, 05:31:22 PM
There you go, now stfu and get back on topic.
EDIT: Just saw my post and it god freaked up somehow, dunno why, the previous one I mean of course.
Ah cool. The second one sucks tho. She's photoshopped to the extreme.
all does "terrorists" in the video speak better english then you, and u complain shit, let me guess u are from the freaked up country ****?!?, since we are talking bad about other religion/ppl/etc... I think Hitler should had run over it and cleanesed europe from thiefs/liers
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 20, 2009, 05:37:31 PM
Ah cool. The second one sucks tho. She's photoshopped to the extreme.
No dude she's my ex-girlfriend dumped her for Jessica Alba.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 20, 2009, 05:46:57 PM
No dude she's my ex-girlfriend dumped her for Jessica Alba.
I was a pope in China as well.
loled :P :o
Quote from: zl4y3r on October 20, 2009, 05:42:27 PM
all does "terrorists" in the video speak better english then you, and u complain shit, let me guess u are from the freaked up country ****?!?, since we are talking bad about other religion/ppl/etc... I think Hitler should had run over it and cleanesed europe from thiefs/liers
Where are u from?
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
Man, they are already overunned by muslims, there is more muslims in London than native british ppl, same in Paris i guess. Noone can help them now.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 20, 2009, 05:19:46 PM
Your boredom is making me lose interest in this thread.
same here. ;D
"Your religion is sick just when girl gets riped it's her fault!! and the punishment is death" quintessence of muslim, nothink to add.
All religions = bullshits but muslims all biggest retards and most dangerous.
( (
( (
( (
here you go your tolerance
pack those extremists and send back to desert
"we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture." I think that islamic law also was man-made in VII-th century :> those muslims probably haven't history subject in school.
remove social, and they will disappear
well...if u think about it...if u ask muslims they will say "Allah",if u ask buddhist "Buda" , christians " Jesus" ... all believe on 1 but in different names ;) ..
(sry for bad english .. )
Quote from: IdarkI on October 21, 2009, 05:12:40 PM
well...if u think about it...if u ask muslims they will say "Allah",if u ask buddhist "Buda" , christians " Jesus" ... all believe on 1 but in different names ;) ..
(sry for bad english .. )
my father used to says the same ;)
Eurabia ;D
from this news
"Mr Choudary has said that under sharia law in Britain people who commit adultery would be stoned to death, adding that “anyone who becomes intoxicated by alcohol would be given 40 lashes in publicâ€
"intoxicated" freak me, I should lose my back already
wooooot we gota find Dr. Emmett Brown and send them to the past (before terminator kill him)
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
nice avatar :]
Quote from: IdarkI on October 21, 2009, 05:12:40 PM
well...if u think about it...if u ask muslims they will say "Allah",if u ask buddhist "Buda" , christians " Jesus" ... all believe on 1 but in different names ;) ..
(sry for bad english .. )
Allah is the corespondent of "God" in christianity, not Jesus
Buddha was not a god, nor did he ever posed as one. he was an enlightened man, a wise man, he lived and died.
Jesus is a prophet and the son of God, not God itself. at least not in all christian sects.
Well, thing is that, they have right in one thing... democracy is not good system (anyway there is no good system, or better to say, there can be good political system, but it's impossible to make in real).
And world is changeing (i dont know is this correct form xD) every day. But changes are important, and world need it to survive. 200 years ago black ppl was persecutioned, now they aren't (and if someone don't like it, then he can do sth for other ppl, and go kill himself), now in france there is lot of black ppl, and so what? Nothing. In netherlands you have ppl from almost all countrys, and they can live with it (ofc dutch ppl always are above the rest, but it's normal in this situation). My point is, if ppl from other religion (no matter how stupid this religion can be in opinion of some ppl), aren't worse than ppl that belive into a Jesus. If there are countrys that have good social, then it's ok, and it's sure that ppl from outside will come to work/live there.
And stupid retards like terrorist... it's not fault of all muslim ppl. White ppl had Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Lenin, and it was in last 100years, BUT it doesn't mean that now every white ppl are murderers. Every ppl want to live on some basic lvl, and there is no matter where, why, and whitch colour he is.
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country
Oh god... I havent lol'd so hard for a long time ^^
Quoteno, we Poles are fresh thinking ppl.
Tbh "we Poles" are pradobly most closed-minded nation in europe.
QuoteWe saved the Europe against Islam in the past ( r.i.p Sobieski) and we will do it again if you aren;t able.
Have You ever noticed, that We were totally raped not by Islam ppl, but by Christian ones? They're much, much more dangrous :D (Especially Prusses)
But ... By the gods - it was medieval! Now we have 2010 almost, and times are diffrent. They're no longer millitary threat, but more like... Potential economic partners. Closing borders and contact's with other cultures is th worst thing a country can do. (Look how much Japan have gained, since they opened to the world market and cultures)
Besides Islam is pretty much peacefull religion. Exept for orthodox belivers - which are as much dangerous as they're in any other religion.
Quote from: alearan on October 21, 2009, 10:30:54 PM
By the gods - it was medieval! Now we have 2010 almost, and times are diffrent.
Heh, not even a year ago some muslim head priest(I dunno how to call them) said "We will conquer the Europe without even one gunshot." so prolly some ppl on both sides are still in medieval.
PS. I like to see nice women legs, tits, faces etc on the streets,pubs,offices and muslims want to cover them all up, so yeah KILL THEM ALL!!!!!! muhahaha <loled>
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on October 21, 2009, 10:47:38 PM
PS. I like to see nice women legs, tits, faces etc on the streets,pubs,offices and muslims want to cover them all up, so yeah KILL THEM ALL!!!!!! muhahaha <loled>
Pradobly in every religion there is some kind of ambitious, claustrophobic equivalent of C.Coughlin (or Polish ks.T.Rydzyk) ;]
Quote from: alearan on October 21, 2009, 11:08:06 PM
Pradobly in every religion there is some kind of ambitious, claustrophobic equivalent of C.Coughlin (or Polish ks.T.Rydzyk) ;]
T. Rydzyk is not dangerous, he is more like clown
Quote from: zthrx on October 21, 2009, 11:39:04 PM
T. Rydzyk is not dangerous, he is more like clown
Yea, think about him as clown today, and tomorrow he will get crown & title king of poland..
"Besides Islam is pretty much peacefull religion"
BUajhhahaajajah most big bullshit i ever heard.Tell that ppl who are forced to obey muslims rules and particular women which in practice do not have any laws and are treat how objects.
Muslims are so peaceful like this muslim guy who scroll his wife in carpet and torch her only coz he cannot get pregnant. About honorary murders i will not mention...
Like i told all religions are bullshits but its principal diffrence betwen christians and muslims. When in christian country u tell that u don't believe in god nothink will happen to u well maybe familly will point a finger at u, and when u tell in muslims country same propably you will become killed.
So alearan i would prefer these "peaceful" Muslims stay at their own countries.
Quote from: zthrx on October 21, 2009, 11:39:04 PM
T. Rydzyk is not dangerous, he is more like clown
Clown with an army...
Quote from: Me0rc on October 22, 2009, 01:06:01 PM
So alearan i would prefer these "peaceful" Muslims stay at their own countries.
Quote from: Me0rc on October 22, 2009, 01:06:01 PM
BUajhhahaajajah most big bullshit i ever heard.Tell that ppl who are forced to obey muslims rules and particular women which in practice do not have any laws and are treat how objects.
Muslims are so peaceful like this muslim guy who scroll his wife in carpet and torch her only coz he cannot get pregnant. About honorary murders i will not mention...
Thats hows the things are going in orthodox famillies. I went to Tunisia (Sousse tb exact) Last Year, and everything seemed pretty normal. Almost european tbh. Women walked normally on the streets, and the ones with whole-covered face, was not so common as You think.
QuoteLike i told all religions are bullshits
Can't disagree :D
Quotebut its principal diffrence betwen christians and muslims. When in christian country u tell that u don't believe in god nothink will happen
It's not matter of religion. It's matter of 'tolerance'. Lets go back to 1600yr for example. Inquisition, crusades, massacres in the name of 'god'... All casued by noone else, but servants of Vatican. Now "we" (as europeans) are much, much more tolerant. In a few years/decades the same will happen to our "neightbours from east".
Quotewhen u tell in muslims country same propably you will become killed.
Lolz, where?
Person like that can be rejected from certain society for sure, but killing... You're kinda overreacting with those words.
Quote from: alearan on October 22, 2009, 05:08:17 PM
Lets go back to 1600yr for example. Inquisition, crusades, massacres in the name of 'god'... All casued by noone else, but servants of Vatican. Now "we" (as europeans) are much, much more tolerant. In a few years/decades the same will happen to our "neightbours from east".
ye, after they will "conquer" the Europe. They wont change- Christianity is 700 years older, so you think they will change in next 700 years? too much for me + they are indoctrinated very fast since born + this sick religion regulates every aspect of ur life(man-made law not some ghost's) I feel for muslims women.
"Thats hows the things are going in orthodox famillies. I went to Tunisia (Sousse tb exact) Last Year, and everything seemed pretty normal. Almost european tbh. Women walked normally on the streets, and the ones with whole-covered face, was not so common as You think."
ye but in Europe the most loud screamers are extremists, supported by the rest of the muslims in the background....
Quote from: zthrx on October 22, 2009, 07:28:52 PM
ye, after they will "conquer" the Europe. They wont change- Christianity is 700 years older, so you think they will change in next 700 years? too much for me + they are indoctrinated very fast since born + this sick religion regulates every aspect of ur life(man-made law not some ghost's) I feel for muslims women.
U should ask yourself why hate is your religion ? how open or endoctrinated u are ?
Quote from: zthrx
ye but in Europe the most loud screamers are extremists, supported by the rest of the muslims in the background....
ye but in Europe the most loud screamers are
far right extremists, supported by the rest of the
conservative in the background....
This kind of view is bullshit, extremist are not the biggest part, it's only medium ( tv internet news ) fearing the population to better controle it.
Just a hint : inform u about NATO + gladio and stay behind : u'll see what so called "democratic" side was able to do against communism thread ...
Won't be surprised if half or more muslim extremist are in fact controled by our conservativeive or neo-conservative side...
Quote from: zthrx on October 22, 2009, 07:28:52 PM
they are indoctrinated very fast since born
This problem concerns most moderate christians as well. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (which has
been ratified by all UN member states except the U.S. and Somalia) very clearly dictates that a child should have the
freedom of religion, but most children in Europe and all around the world are baptized and made members of religious
institutions before they even understand the concept of god or religion (and even before they can voice their opinions).
After this the children are being fed (read brainwashed) with religious doctrines. This is NOT freedom of religion, it's child
abuse. So until you (by you I don't mean anyone here specifically, but the people who do the things I described) can
appreciate basic human rights and extend them to your children, I say freak you, and freak your religions.
I should quit posting stuff about religions on this forum.
f uking nice go go people let's make this forum a racist forum. let's blame muslims ortodox catholic and every religion that is on planet...
let's say a big +1 to muslim countrys for supporting fanatism let's say a big +1 to europe for saying we are democratic but from back we say f uck them..
let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water.
let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be prostute.
let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.
let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in gaza
honestly zthrx if u have such problems with religon why u dont make a blogspot and to go there and share your ideas with other nazis? and let this forum ouf of conversations like that
and finaly let's say a HUGE thx you to zthrx for letting us to know what a fu king racist face he is .
almost forgot do u know what europe means ? and what does it represnt ?. do u know what does europe cultural means.?
"There are signs that Allah will
grant victory to Islam in Europe
without swords, wtihout guns,
without conquest.
We don't need terrorists,
we don't need homicide bombers.
The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe]
will turn it into a Muslim continent
within a few decades."
Muammar al-Gaddafi
just watch this ---------->
Quote from: alearan on October 22, 2009, 05:08:17 PM
Person like that can be rejected from certain society for sure, but killing... You're kinda overreacting with those words.
O... do I?
Kiedy nastoletnia Rifqua Bary przeszła na chrześcijaństwo, zrozumiała, że może grozić jej śmiertelne niebezpieczeństwo ze strony muzułmańskiej rodziny. Zgodnie z przepisami szariatu, karą za apostazję jest śmierć. Mimo że uciekła z domu, by ratować życie, teraz będzie musiała powrócić w rodzinne strony, tak bowiem zadecydował sąd.
I dont know ur from Poland, if yes u can read all article.
If not and for rest i translate beginning of full article. (sorry but i used online translator so it can translated kinda strange)
When teenage Rifqua past bars on Christianity, understandable, that can threaten its death danger from the side of a Muslim family. In accordance
with the rules of the Shariat, by punishment for apostasy is a death. Although would run away from the house, to save life, now will have to return in the family sides, so since decided the Court of Justice.
Alearan and that is no problem of ortodox this is MUSLIMS LAW telling to kill ppl who left religion.
And about christians and crusaders in middle age its true but then muslims making same what they do now, they kill if someone didint obey theirs rules or want change religion. Now they also want throw their rules to others.
If someone telling that christian religion killed many ppl its true but only because that we cant let now do same by muslims.
All ppl should have right to chose in what want believe or not and muslims force others in muslims countries to obey law theirs religion and now they want do it in Europe. And stop telling what was with christians etc. (ofc u have right with that) coz we live now and we have ours present problems with religion fanatics.
Quote from: NIORI on October 22, 2009, 11:24:52 PM
f uking nice go go people let's make this forum a racist forum. let's blame muslims ortodox catholic and every religion that is on planet...
let's say a big +1 to muslim countrys for supporting fanatism let's say a big +1 to europe for saying we are democratic but from back we say f uck them..
let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water.
let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be prostute.
let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.
let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in gaza
honestly zthrx if u have such problems with religon why u dont make a blogspot and to go there and share your ideas with other nazis? and let this forum ouf of conversations like that
and finaly let's say a HUGE thx you to zthrx for letting us to know what a fu king racist face he is .
almost forgot do u know what europe means ? and what does it represnt ?. do u know what does europe cultural means.?
know what niori ?? .. maybe many ppl here on forum called u stupid ... but rly i respect u for this reply ... and if this is called stupidity by some idiots ... then i rly wish everyone on this planet will be as stupid as you are ;)
+1 bro
Quote from: NIORI on October 22, 2009, 11:24:52 PM
f uking nice go go people let's make this forum a racist forum. let's blame muslims ortodox catholic and every religion that is on planet...
let's say a big +1 to muslim countrys for supporting fanatism let's say a big +1 to europe for saying we are democratic but from back we say f uck them..
let's go to say +1 for letting children on africa to die with out food water.
let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forcig them to be prostitute.
let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.
let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in gaza
honestly zthrx if u have such problems with religon why u dont make a blogspot and to go there and share your ideas with other nazis? and let this forum ouf of conversations like that
and finaly let's say a HUGE thx you to zthrx for letting us to know what a fu king racist face he is .
almost forgot do u know what europe means ? and what does it represnt ?. do u know what does europe cultural means.?
first of all this topic criticizes Islamic religion. religion is not a nation or race-
it is not racism criticism based on Europe democratic freedom of expression. Thats the first thing you don't know about the world, so between your pseudo-intellectual points some1 can think you are smart....
PS: when I say freaking muslim, I mean Islamic muslim, there is no difference, every1 is brainwashed by this retard religion which comes from Christianity (700 years after fairy tail about Jesus)
primo: "let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water" you know what's the problem of Africa? the biggest Countries USA etc, doesn't want new competitor in economy field. What you think, in all those ages no1 started to build there Field Crops, helping in build their economy, make farms, fabrics etc etc.(China is trying to do smth) Because Arficans would do this shiit for almost FREE, do you know economy a bit? Africa would grow as a new strong competitor who have alot free workers..
So there is better to export food there, during USA and others gets a lot of cash by this transactions. It's a long topic so better to stop at this point, hope you understood a bit how this world functions.
let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be prostute you know a shiit, it's not only about African ppl, It's mafia transfer and girls are kidnapping from all around the world, and what you are thinkin, every african girl comes to europe to be a whore? it's a problem but not only Arfican's
let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
there are a bit more countries who have nuclear war. And at the end nuclear war is good, helps to keep peace on earth mainly by the pacts "mutual total destruction" don rememba how it's called exactly. Anyway Russia and USA signed it before second warld war, so you have a russia and the USA on the map yet. Nuclear war helped to stop war in Hiroshima. You know a shiit about how worlds function. It's more complicated that your lame +1 points which hides more deeply truth, far another than your point of view
let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.
how how, it's their problem how they regulate a nation population. We will see how many you gonna have
let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in gaza
there are many washedbrain ppl on earth. There are dozens of war crimes and every type of crime. Guess thats thx to TV and Inet you know about only this one case...
And you know. This forum is on European servers, so I don't think I went far from European ppl with this current "important" public news :-*
Go back to your hole, and come back after you get some new facts about cruel world....
for once, I'm a "democratic racist" who wont let to freak himself by some freakingsic religion who's trying to be a common law in my freaking Europe. Because what happen in every freaking UE Country is gonna affect every other by freaking political tolerance.
Hope you understood everything, or I can explain you again
Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 12:47:53 AM
for once, I'm a "democratic racist" who wont let to freak himself by some freakingsic religion who's trying to be a common law in my freaking Europe. Because what happen in every freaking UE Country is gonna affect every other by freaking political tolerance.
Well i don't see why do you want them out of Europe, since they aren't doing anything to hurt you... There are some violent but you cant say that its because of their religion. Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious and are gonna kill you just for saying that their mother is a whore.
And about spreading their religion in Europe, well that's bs... I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim or w/e... Anyways imo all the religions are disappearing pretty fast and there wont be much people going to church in about 20 years.
Quote from: Me0rc on October 22, 2009, 11:56:08 PM
When teenage Rifqua past bars on Christianity, understandable, that can threaten its death danger from the side of a Muslim family. In accordance with the rules of the Shariat, by punishment for apostasy is a death. Although would run away from the house, to save life, now will have to return in the family sides, so since decided the Court of Justice.
She is forced to go back to family to Ohio - regardless of Islam rules, her family must obey civil law - so from this point of view, the family can't kill her. And even if they do such a thing, they will face the hand of justice - for crime of killing. (<polish> Podobnie jest u nas z Cyganami i ozenkiem 14letnich dziewczynek. Zyja w Polsce i Polskich zasad przestrzegac musza. </polish>)
Even if they have the law to kill her in their religion - why would they do such a thing? It's a lose-lose situation. Considering that todays world is run by money - it is completely impratcic waste of them - so radicals are dissapearing from generation to generation. Soon, ppl we'll become more and more tolerant. Including Muslims.
I have never thought that on gaming forum, there can be this kind of discussion. :P
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 23, 2009, 01:21:52 AM
Well i don't see why do you want them out of Europe, since they aren't doing anything to hurt you... There are some violent but you cant say that its because of their religion. Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious and are gonna kill you just for saying that their mother is a whore.
And about spreading their religion in Europe, well that's bs... I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim or w/e... Anyways imo all the religions are disappearing pretty fast and there wont be much people going to church in about 20 years.
" Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious"
every muslim is religious, if not you are atheist = you are dead. They coming to europe with whole families spreading sick culture- Burka- it's cultural thing not from coran.
"I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim"
they wont, but their tons of new children will be Islamic muslims and so on, and in the next 20y, they will be so many that being in their arena, they will force you to admonish their rules/law- like radical extremist trying to do now.
"since they aren't doing anything to hurt you"
We are in UE, every decisions affects every country. If they bring burka etc from this culture/religion we will have let them do the same in other countries.
Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 09:32:49 AM
" Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious"
every muslim is religious, if not you are atheist = you are dead. They coming to europe with whole families spreading sick culture- Burka- it's cultural thing not from coran.
"I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim"
they wont, but their tons of new children will be Islamic muslims and so on, and in the next 20y, they will be so many that being in their arena, they will force you to admonish their rules/law- like radical extremist trying to do now.
"since they aren't doing anything to hurt you"
We are in UE, every decisions affects every country. If they bring burka etc from this culture/religion we will have let them do the same in other countries.
I ment that there are atheist people in europe that are more violent than some muslim extremist too. And i dont get the part of "if your atheist = you are dead"... Well the burka thing is funny for me too, but well you cant do anything to stop it, its like forbiding german people to drink lots and lots of beer in USA or something... And they wont force anyone to admonush their rules/law since if they are gonna do something illegal they will just go to jail. Its pretty simple, they wont be able to do jack shit. But yea there are many countrys that are too supportive to people that have tons of children + dont work and just live from the money that the country gives em. We have the same problem in our country... ::)
Quote from: alearan on October 23, 2009, 09:12:31 AM
She is forced to go back to family to Ohio - regardless of Islam rules, her family must obey civil law - so from this point of view, the family can't kill her. And even if they do such a thing, they will face the hand of justice - for crime of killing.
Well problem is that muslims more care about honour and theirs law than cicvil law of country where they live.
And if "family cant kill her" tell why that girl is so afraid back to islamic parents???
"Według “Ni Putes Ni Soumises†(Ni dziwki, ni służące), jednej z najważniejszych francuskich organizacji broniących praw kobiet, przemoc wobec kobiet szerzy się w ubogich muzułmańskich społecznościach. Mężczyźni wyżywają się na kobietach i oczekują, że będą one tuszować sprawę, ponieważ jest to zgodne z islamską tradycją. Jeśli kobieta szuka sprawiedliwości, jest uważana za zakałę rodziny".
"According to “Ni Putes Ni Soumises†(Ni bitch, ni serving), one from most important French organizations of defending laws of women, force in view of the women propagate itself in the poor Muslim communities. Men bully themselves on the women even await, that they will draw question, because is this consistent with the Islamic tradition. If woman looks for justice, is considered for disgrace of family".
And they dont only bull, they kill coz woman coz stained honor of the family.,86686,3450875.html
"Na kary od ośmiu lat do dożywocia skazał sąd w Danii rodzinę za zamordowanie 19-letniej dziewczyny. To wyjątek, bo najczęściej sprawcy tzw. honorowych morderstw pozostają w Europie na wolności, a środowiska imigranckie spuszczają na zbrodnie zasłonę milczenia"
"On the punishments for eight years to life estate sentenced the Court of Justice in Denmark family for the murder of a 19-year girl. This exception, because most often originators so-called of honorable murder stay in Europe on the freedom, but the environment of imigrantsthey lower on the crimes the screen of the silence".
But how U wrote that?
"Her family must obey civil law - so from this point of view, the family can't kill he"
So from theirs point of view they will kill her.
Quote from: alearan on October 23, 2009, 09:12:31 AM(<polish> Podobnie jest u nas z Cyganami i ozenkiem 14letnich dziewczynek. Zyja w Polsce i Polskich zasad przestrzegac musza. </polish>)
(Similarly is at us with the Gypsies and wedding 14 years old girls. Live in Poland and Polish bases must obey)
Interesting coz weddings of 14 years gypsy girls are not consistent with polish law.
Quote from: Me0rc on October 23, 2009, 01:47:30 PM
Well problem is that muslims more care about honour and theirs law than cicvil law of country where they live.
And if "family cant kill her" tell why that girl is so afraid back to islamic parents???
By "can't" i meant "not allowed to". But ofc they have free will, as all ppl.
They will be same killers as anyone else who kills second person.
"On the punishments for eight years to life estate sentenced the Court of Justice in Denmark family for the murder of a 19-year girl. This exception, because most often originators so-called of honorable murder stay in Europe on the freedom, but the environment of imigrantsthey lower on the crimes the screen of the silence".
Tbh i never have heard of those who stayed free. (In Europe)
Quote(Similarly is at us with the Gypsies and wedding 14 years old girls. Live in Poland and Polish bases must obey)
Interesting coz weddings of 14 years gypsy girls are not consistent with polish law.
Mea culpa. Sorry. I was thinking about smth else and wrote smth else -.-"
Gypsies traditions and laws do not restrict sixual contact between children under 15yrs old, but Polish law do - so even, if there will be some kind of that contact - it will be a crime.
Its simmilar case to that girl. Even if their traditions allow them to kill some1 - it's not allowed in USA - therefore it is a crime.
Noone stands beyond law. (Well i know that this saying is kinda bulls*it in cases of most politics, but ordinary muslim isnt anyone special.)
It's a matter of time, that they will be sucked in our culture instead of conquering it. Mainly thanks to globalisation and money.
Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 12:47:53 AM
first of all this topic criticizes Islamic religion. religion is not a nation or race- it is not racism criticism based on Europe democratic freedom of expression. Thats the first thing you don't know about the world, so between your pseudo-intellectual points some1 can think you are smart....
PS: when I say freaking muslim, I mean Islamic muslim, there is no difference, every1 is brainwashed by this retard religion which comes from Christianity (700 years after fairy tail about Jesus)
primo: "let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water" you know what's the problem of Africa? the biggest Countries USA etc, doesn't want new competitor in economy field. What you think, in all those ages no1 started to build there Field Crops, helping in build their economy, make farms, fabrics etc etc.(China is trying to do smth) Because Arficans would do this shiit for almost FREE, do you know economy a bit? Africa would grow as a new strong competitor who have alot free workers..
So there is better to export food there, during USA and others gets a lot of cash by this transactions. It's a long topic so better to stop at this point, hope you understood a bit how this world functions.
let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be prostute you know a shiit, it's not only about African ppl, It's mafia transfer and girls are kidnapping from all around the world, and what you are thinkin, every african girl comes to europe to be a whore? it's a problem but not only Arfican's
let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
there are a bit more countries who have nuclear war. And at the end nuclear war is good, helps to keep peace on earth mainly by the pacts "mutual total destruction" don rememba how it's called exactly. Anyway Russia and USA signed it before second warld war, so you have a russia and the USA on the map yet. Nuclear war helped to stop war in Hiroshima. You know a shiit about how worlds function. It's more complicated that your lame +1 points which hides more deeply truth, far another than your point of view
let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.
how how, it's their problem how they regulate a nation population. We will see how many you gonna have
let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in gaza
there are many washedbrain ppl on earth. There are dozens of war crimes and every type of crime. Guess thats thx to TV and Inet you know about only this one case...
And you know. This forum is on European servers, so I don't think I went far from European ppl with this current "important" public news :-*
Go back to your hole, and come back after you get some new facts about cruel world....
for once, I'm a "democratic racist" who wont let to freak himself by some freakingsic religion who's trying to be a common law in my freaking Europe. Because what happen in every freaking UE Country is gonna affect every other by freaking political tolerance.
Hope you understood everything, or I can explain you again
since i live in greece and ty god is a country with democracy ,should i remind u that greece was the frist country that put democracy and gave the lights to all world for it, so no u are not democratic u are a comon racist,. u dont know what democracy means since u have democracy in your country only in the last 20 years.. u was under communism for decades since my country albania was aswell under communism , dont forget that.
democracy is something that we earned is not going by father to son, if u wann ask what democracy means go to france and ask them go to Germany or to austria and ask them or come in greece and u will see it . becouse people here will not judge u by your nationality or your religion.
muslims going day by day +++++ not becouse they make other eu muslim just becouse they are makeing more childrens that we do. there 1 priority is to have a big familly our 1 priority is to have financial and economical feature, that's why we make a small familly with 2 childrens.and putting the carier in top. than familly
and go back in eu history in the last 100 years . and u will see what we did for humanity. 6 millions hebro ded by nazi 3 million soviet solders ded by nazi on battlfield. many other nations was destroyd economical and not only. wasnt the eu who gave thousends of weapons t africa through russian. if i am wrong how can u explain me those ak-47 in africa and in the rwnda and nigeria.? becouse of that almost 1 million people die in rwnda.
let's do the same to emigrants from iran irak palestine syria becouse in feature perhpas they attack us ? or they will be more muslim thant cristian.
do u rlly know what does cristian means? and what jesus presended.
jesus gave hes life and so he can save the humanity souls to wash us from our sins . he is speaking about friendship bettwen nations about forgivnes about hope and not about hate .
so if u have problems with muslims is your problem isnt cristainity problem and if u are democratic then u should know when your limit stop and when other limits starts
Quote from: NIORI on October 23, 2009, 03:08:33 PM
since i live in greece and ty god is a country with democracy ,should i remind u that greece was the frist country that put democracy and gave the lights to all world for it, so no u are not democratic u are a comon racist,. u dont know what democracy means since u have democracy in your country only in the last 20 years.. u was under communism for decades since my country albania was aswell under communism , dont forget that.
democracy is something that we earned is not going by father to son, if u wann ask what democracy means go to france and ask them go to Germany or to austria and ask them or come in greece and u will see it . becouse people here will not judge u by your nationality or your religion.
muslims going day by day +++++ not becouse they make other eu muslim just becouse they are makeing more childrens that we do. there 1 priority is to have a big familly our 1 priority is to have financial and economical feature, that's why we make a small familly with 2 childrens.and putting the carier in top. than familly
and go back in eu history in the last 100 years . and u will see what we did for humanity. 6 millions hebro ded by nazi 3 million soviet solders ded by nazi on battlfield. many other nations was destroyd economical and not only. wasnt the eu who gave thousends of weapons t africa through russian. if i am wrong how can u explain me those ak-47 in africa and in the rwnda and nigeria.? becouse of that almost 1 million people die in rwnda.
let's do the same to emigrants from iran irak palestine syria becouse in feature perhpas they attack us ? or they will be more muslim thant cristian.
do u rlly know what does cristian means? and what jesus presended.
jesus gave hes life and so he can save the humanity souls to wash us from our sins . he is speaking about friendship bettwen nations about forgivnes about hope and not about hate .
so if u have problems with muslims is your problem isnt cristainity problem and if u are democratic then u should know when your limit stop and when other limits starts
dude you have completely washed brain. There is no even reason to reply you. You don't even know how "wars" works and making money by the biggest Countries producing and transferring weapon. You don't understand that life in UE is more expensive so ppl have to hard work to suckle family.
and btw, Poland is the country who liberated Europe from Communism. You don't know what means fight for your rights, fight for your freedom, fight for your life and at war Polish soldiers were fighting on many fronts in many countries. You just proved your ignorance and shallow thinking.
Islamic countries
demand making a crime to criticize an islam after that UK and other contries gonna be "raped by religion"
"wake up America" Patt Condell
Patt tells a buthurt truth about Islam, very objective being "nicely" critic
The day will come, when you abandon your holy tolerance. I ment mostly Europe ppl
"ban the burka" by Pat
Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies
10. Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.
9. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives
8. Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revengeâ€"physical eye for physical eye.
7. Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off.
6. Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated.
5. Islam commands that homosixuals must be executed.
4. Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death.
3. Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for nonâ€"Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.
2. Islam orders apostates to be killed.
1. Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.
i see some ppl got bigo ego complex here :) about Muslims/Turks ;) btw its funny to see what ****** think for that :)
Quote from: Meto on October 23, 2009, 05:51:16 PM
i see some ppl got bigo ego complex here :) about Muslims/Turks ;) btw its funny to see what ****** think for that :)
conversation about world's "problems" is too much for you?
Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 06:05:28 PM
conversation about world's "problems" is too much for you?
now u wanna say that whole word hates muslims,alll ppl are racist?
u are not good mentally :/ . World's trying to make peace...not war
Quote from: IdarkI on October 23, 2009, 06:19:32 PM
now u wanna say that whole word hates muslims,alll ppl are racist?
u are not good mentally :/ . World's trying to make peace...not war
go back to your reality, I didn't say world hates muslims, I didn't say all ppl are racist. If you wanna be a attentionboy here, better go back to the beginning of this topic and back after you finish. bye for now
dude u have serius problem with ego, is pitty to see that nazi are prettending that they are gona save us from muslims our beloved EU . and makeing all those just our childrens to have a better feature and not to be muslim lol.... either u are waching too much youtube . either uare member of a neo nazi club and u still havent realise it.
about poland save eu from commnism lol. perhpas u guys saved your own country but for sure not us:P and i dont think that the majority of polish people will aprove ideas like yours.. u have to understand or better to ask your grandfather what does war means .. and should we hate other religions? becouse when i asked mine about that he told me , i wish u never to fell the breath of the war ..
Just a quick eruption of frustration on some of the things that've been said in this topic:
The vast majority of the world's muslim population is not of middle-eastern origins, so claiming that because someone
"hates" Islam they are racist shows nothing but the lack of real arguments and/or understanding of the issue. In all
seriousness, if you have no other weapons at your disposal than Hitler- or racism-cards, why don't you just shut
the freak up?
People here also seem to have a twisted view on democracy as well. Democracy doesn't mean the lack of
prejudiced views. It's a form of government, not a moral code, and saying that someone doesn't know democracy
because they live in a country that has been democratic for only 20 years, is really nothing but an ad hominem-attack,
not an argument. Democracy isn't freedom of speech either and doesn't necessarily even guarantee it. The only thing
that democracy gives you is a vote (on some issues in modern democracies), so stop confusing the right to vote with
other rights.
I also want to point out that there's a huge difference between religion (theism) and the lack of it (atheism). Religion
almost always gives you a set of rules which to live by, but atheism doesn't. Atheism is simply just the lack of belief
in the supernatural. Sure there are violent people who are atheists, but atheism per se doesn't feed the drive for
violence as it has no rules other than there is no god. It can be used to justify violence, but so can democracy and
every possible opinion that a person can have. Religion on the other hand can, and often does demand violence to
rid the world of the non-believers or the disobedient. Religion can command you to kill, atheism can't.
An atheist can kill and say that he/she can kill because there are no absolute morals, but no one can say that they
killed because their lack of belief commanded them to do so.
A theist can kill and say that the bible told them to stone the person to death because they worked on a Sunday.
See the difference?
How about putting some thought in your arguments (or rants) instead of relying on logical inconsistancies? I
guarantee that you'll get more results.
Faleh Almaleki Runs Over Daughter in Attempted 'Honor Killing'
and google this phrase:
muslim father kills daughter
have a good reading my lovely saints muslims
Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 06:05:28 PM
conversation about world's "problems" is too much for you?
sems u have problems with those thinks... where u gotta tryon to do something like hummm... being atentation whore at Game forum abouit word "problems" oh sh1t.... "hey look im mr moderator and i could speak here about word "problems" yes i can do that!" just to say didnt read whole topic just few posts and i could say u are another sickbrain who havent any idea about whats goin on.. who stay at his lil rooom lookin from the window and says "Yes this is world!". as other ppl here say try to visit some medic and let em help u.. greetings ;)
Quote from: Meto on October 24, 2009, 06:30:15 PM
sems u have problems with those thinks... where u gotta tryon to do something like hummm... being atentation whore at Game forum abouit word "problems" oh sh1t.... "hey look im mr moderator and i could speak here about word "problems" yes i can do that!" just to say didnt read whole topic just few posts and i could say u are another sickbrain who havent any idea about whats goin on.. who stay at his lil rooom lookin from the window and says "Yes this is world!". as other ppl here say try to visit some medic and let em help u.. greetings ;)
so what it's a game forum, u prefer to talk about those things at religious forums whre no1 looks at? second, the thing is there are many ppl from all around the world, so even if my topic realized the problem/case to a few ppl who will talk about it with other friends (butterfly effect) so yea it's a good idea.
You didn't read whole topic? poor kido, so I tell you that we have alot of smart and influential persons in this community who wrote alot of good objective posts. Those persons probably surf in another parts of internet and maby talk about it somewhere > and other talk about it and so on.
Than you'll see, you have nothing to say, you trying to insult, you have no interesting shiit to say, and you think I care your poor person?
keep trying
60 years ago nobody could imaging some french, english, german, russian, polish, turks etc ...... would one day play together peacefully. But it happens here every nights and days.
So get of your hate.
Not our fault if your GF got raped by ben laden ^^ u deserve it :)
i hope racism will stop before the day humans find aliens to exploit
Quote from: TheLox on October 26, 2009, 06:38:56 PM
Well, how did God appear than? Out of nothing or he was always there? If God was always there why cant the universe be always there or appear out of nothing, while i dont believe it appeared out of nothing. Its just hard to explain how the universe appeared since our knowledge about the space and universe is reallly low. But i hope we will some day know more about it xD
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 26, 2009, 11:31:28 PM
Well, how did God appear than? Out of nothing or he was always there? If God was always there why cant the universe be always there or appear out of nothing, while i dont believe it appeared out of nothing. Its just hard to explain how the universe appeared since our knowledge about the space and universe is reallly low. But i hope we will some day know more about it xD
God? God never existed. He (?) was created to explain same as you said.
Quote from: TheLox on October 27, 2009, 12:03:37 AM
God? God never existed. He (?) was created to explain same as you said.
By who?
i just LOVE how some people here speak about some things humanity pondered for millenia and they say things like: "ofc i am right lol, we all know Islam sucks, God exist/doesnt exist, Christinity sucks too etc"
1st rule of wisdom: never ever state a definite point of view on a very controversial/subjective issue with the tone that you (of all the people in the world lol ) hold the ultimate absolute truth. It just makes you look dim and stupid.
now, you all know yourselfs, no need to quote all of you.
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 27, 2009, 12:22:55 AM
By who?
By ppl who were some kind primitive and didn't know what weather elements are. >.> Come on...
Richard Dawkins on God and Aliens
science doesn't put a "stupid magical stories" between our lack of knowledge, we still learn we makes hypothesis etc, it's all just in front of us the future...
Richard Dawkins spectrum of probability as to the existence of God.
1. Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know
2. Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. De facto theist. 'I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there.'
3. Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. Technically agnostic but leaning towards theism. 'I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.'
4. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning towards atheism. 'I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be sceptical.'
5. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning towards atheism. 'I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be sceptical.'
6. Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. 'I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there.'
7. Strong atheist. 'I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung "knows" there is one.'
Dawkins notes that he would be "surprised to meet many people in category 7". Dawkins calls himself "about a 6.8."
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 27, 2009, 12:26:38 AM
i just LOVE how some people here speak about some things humanity pondered for millenia and they say things like: "ofc i am right lol, we all know Islam sucks, God exist/doesnt exist, Christinity sucks too etc"
1st rule of wisdom: never ever state a definite point of view on a very controversial/subjective issue with the tone that you (of all the people in the world lol ) hold the ultimate absolute truth. It just makes you look dim and stupid.
now, you all know yourselfs, no need to quote all of you.
Well I'm just asking some questions ^^ I'm a christian myself but i don't really believe going to church is helping me get into heaven. I just think differently and believe in the things that seem more plausible to me. I believe our tecnhonoly would be far behind if everyone would believe in god and not try to explain the "natural wonders". Anyways there is a show that 2 atheist guys host and they talk with people that call the show about god and stuff. It is really interesting to hear how some people react when talking to them lol. I will try to find it tomorrow.
Quote from: TheLox on October 27, 2009, 12:45:07 AM
By ppl who were some kind primitive and didn't know what weather elements are. >.> Come on...
According to your post about atheism i thought you think different xD
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 27, 2009, 01:01:58 AM
According to your post about atheism i thought you think different xD
I ja za tebe. xD
Quote from: TheLox on October 27, 2009, 07:25:20 PM
I ja za tebe. xD
hehe, yea i noticed xD
Here is the show that i was talking about earlyer. Listening to these guys is really interesting, some callers are hillarius :D
Here is an example:
just w8 till 21. 12. 2012 :D
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 27, 2009, 08:01:13 PM
hehe, yea i noticed xD
Here is the show that i was talking about earlyer. Listening to these guys is really interesting, some callers are hillarius :D
Here is an example:
Ah lol xD
An(other) Inconvenient Truth--about Terrorism
Of 126 terror-waging groups listed, here is the breakdown by ideology:
Islamic: 64
Secular nationalist: 36
Marxist/Maoist: 13
“Otherâ€/Anarchist: 9
Christian: 2
Shinto and Jewish: 1 each
So, just over half the world’s terrorist organizations are Muslim in origin and function. No other religious ideology is closeâ€"not even, most notably, Christianity (with its 2 billion+ membership, you’d think more would be involved in violence, wouldn’t you?). Since Muslims make up 20% of the world’s population, their involvement in over 50% of the world’s terrrorist groups is telling and troublingâ€"and something the NIS is loathe to admit, thus tainting its claim to “know…the nature of the threats.â€
Carbomb kills 100 in Pakistan
The attack came hours after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, to shore up U.S. support in nuclear-armed Pakistan, as it battles a rising Taliban insurgency.
and those stupid islamic-muslim-terrorists kills eachother for some religious (mostly) ideas.
Freedom of speech, nobody commited any crimes - you can't arrest somebody for saying "be careful, people think what you did is punishable by death". It would be impossible to resolve this issue without completely changing the laws our country is based on! Either that or we get the BNP into power, who are a massively racist party who would most likely do more harm than good.
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 27, 2009, 12:22:55 AM
By who?
By Drake :P
rofl :D
i feel sorry for you... :-\ Psyck is your best friend?lol
"Muslim father runs over his daughter in fatal attack because she was 'too westernised' in America"
I guess I wrote bout this situation once. Finally she died after 2 weeks
bravo bravo brainwashed muslims!
go back to ur hole
Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders
1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you
WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!
Patriotism IS NOT a racism
You're a focking racist, zthrx.
the truth hurts you? I wish she could be ur sister
anyway too bad you dun wanna read whole topic. Many interesting and smart things was written. At least knowledge isn't for every1, same as thinking
Quote from: Torek [IF] on November 04, 2009, 06:30:54 PM stfu
because? you prefer to ignore facts? dude wanna some religious flames? Are you afraid of talking about common topics? you better stfu if you have nothing interesting to say, or I will smash you to the ground with my "poor knowledge", just pick up the topic or betta stfu plz
Quote from: mark_elesse on November 05, 2009, 12:35:48 PM
( (
i dont get the joke
Quote from: zthrx on November 04, 2009, 07:28:15 PM
because? you prefer to ignore facts? dude wanna some religious flames? Are you afraid of talking about common topics? you better stfu if you have nothing interesting to say, or I will smash you to the ground with my "poor knowledge", just pick up the topic or betta stfu plz
You are the most arrogant person i have ever seen pls read some book and do some research , seriously u dont know any shit have u grown up in monastery with monks or something like that.As a result we can see from ur words u are the one provocator.............
Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 03:19:07 PM
You are the most arrogant person i have ever seen pls read some book and do some research , seriously u dont know any shit have u grown up in monastery with monks or something like that.As a result we can see from ur words u are the one provocator.............
u don't even know how much I know- just read one of my post in this topic, I have no time for losers like you with no arguments- you can't even defent those sick muslims, they can't do it itself even.
btw I have another daiiyi great story:
Mukhtaran Bibi, a young Pakistani woman. She was accused of having a brother - 14 years of age - who was supposedly seen in public with a girl from another tribal family; this rumor was never confirmed and Bibi denied it. She was judged by a Tribal Elders Council of six men to be punished for her brother's sin. She was sentenced to be gang-raped. The sentence was carried out by five men, her neighbors. Hundreds waited outside as she was gang-raped. She was then sent home naked in the streets. Amazingly and with great courage Mukhtaran Bibi went to the courts seeking justice. The men were originally convicted of the rape. Recently a court overturned the conviction as illegal. The requirement for conviction of rape in Pakistan's family law is that four men (all Muslims) have to testify they witnessed the event. The rapist witnesses were unlikely to testify against themselves.
you muslims are rly sick primitive animals. freak your coran and freak your sick honor primitive idiotsI have no respect to you for defending your shiit pretending it's not a big deal. come to poland and try to kill me for blaming your religion
I'm still waiting for some inteligent facts defending your statement, till now I see only retard flame, too bad coz I'm really good prepared for those who think Islam is a good thing.
muslim racist dogs on london street "Afghan Asylum Seekers & The rise of muslim gangs in the UK .The English girl with a pushchair at 0:22 says 'sorry' for interupting their antics!!! "
Muslim Men Force White Teen Girl into Prostitution
Rape and Justice in the Muslim World - Irshad Manji
brutal truth about your religion and culture you sick animals ha? you are the problem of free Europe, I would prefer go to you hole and make massive suicide, not just single from time to time as you used to do
any smart muslim here to add some words? I would like to start a conversation, where are you camel? you had seem to be up for some smalltalk- I have many as in the sleeve
Quote from: zthrx on November 08, 2009, 06:43:37 PM
u don't even know how much I know- just read one of my post in this topic, I have no time for losers like you with no arguments- you can't even defent those sick muslims, they can't do it itself even.
any smart muslim here to add some words? I would like to start a conversation, where are you camel? you had seem to be up for some smalltalk- I have many as in the sleeve
there is nothing to add coz it wont change ur are such a retard bring ur crusaders and come get us if u can .............
Quote from: k0rina on November 08, 2009, 07:57:39 PM
i support zthrx 100% ... others u can stay in ur cave when u tureks muslims admit what shits u did in past and how many thousands people u killed for nothing childrens womans then i will stop be racist . ciao
thats normal u are the greek was live under our command years w/e zhtr or what shit u are as i see ppl post i think nobody care about ur opinion expect 2-3 retard so bring them and war aganist all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously so arrogant........................
Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 07:49:54 PM
there is nothing to add coz it wont change ur are such a retard bring ur crusaders and come get us if u can .............
You don't argue over the internet to change the mind of your opponent. Generally speaking, you don't even
do that when you're debating face to face. You debate them with reasonable arguments so that the
observers, who might have an open mind about the issue you're debating about, could form an opinion. The
more thorough your argumentation is, the more likely you're going to change the minds of the people following
the debate, argument, or whatever you'd like to call it.
So far most that are against zthrx's opinion have called him racist, ignorant, stupid and a lot of other things.
I don't completely agree with zthrx on the issue, but if I had to make up my mind solely by following this topic,
I'd much rather go with the side that has slapped atleast some actual arguments on the table, than the retard
who's screaming "MENGZ U RACIST FUX JO MAMA!". Unless it makes you happy, you don't gain anything by
being a dk who shouts insults that make a 9-year-old facepalm himself.
ps. Strong emphasis on "
some actual arguments".
I think thats topic should be delete from this board its server general disccusion section not a place for talking subject like this but nowonder when i see moderators i got why its not deleted.......
Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 08:03:31 PM
thats normal u are the greek was live under our command years w/e zhtr or what shit u are as i see ppl post i think nobody care about ur opinion expect 2-3 retard so bring them and war aganist all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously so arrogant........................
"so bring them and war against all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously" I said so? I don't think so, manipulating and writing a shiit conclusions is your domain. So called "holy War" is problem of muslims/Islamist - sick disease of religion.
The most funny part in this thread I writes only Facts dude, no bulshiit stories, just daily news whats goin on in Europe and I think this is bad, this is sick mkay? I can criticize you because it's my privilege so far- real healthy breath of rational criticism showing just pure facts which you can't even deny. Your only weapon to cover this shit is to flame guy saying a word about "saint religion/culture", you are on the lost position so...
about "care" - milions of ppl just watch TV and listen, being unable to conversation so are getting used to the facts. If you think you are able to bring smth else "positive" to this topic go ahead, coz trying to be flamer you just shows your lack of intelligence
Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 08:56:22 PM
I think thats topic should be delete from this board its server general disccusion section not a place for talking subject like this but nowonder when i see moderators i got why its not deleted.......
rly? so where? on a religious sites mainly, which no one visits? so you'll still live in your sweet "reality" letting shit rolling on your back.... just butterfly effect...
Quote from: zthrx on November 08, 2009, 09:00:35 PM
"so bring them and war against all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously" I said so? I don't think so, manipulating and writing a shiit conclusions is your domain. So called "holy War" is problem of muslims/Islamist - sick disease of religion.
The most funny part in this thread I writes only Facts dude, no bulshiit stories, just daily news whats goin on in Europe and I think this is bad, this is sick mkay? I can criticize you because it's my privilege so far- real healthy breath of rational criticism showing just pure facts which you can't even deny. Your only weapon to cover this shit is to flame guy saying a word about "saint religion/culture", you are on the lost position so...
about "care" - milions of ppl just watch TV and listen, being unable to conversation so are getting used to the facts. If you think you are able to bring smth else "positive" to this topic go ahead, coz trying to be flamer you just shows your lack of intelligence
ur facts are just ridiculuous really they are just right for you so they are not facts u just try to wash ppl brain with ur bullshits keep going .You are being more funny at per new post
Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 09:06:51 PM
ur facts are just ridiculuous really they are just right for you so they are not facts u just try to wash ppl brain with ur bullshits keep going .You are being more funny at per new post
u becomes funny trying to deny facts, any source etc to defend ur statement? ups I think nope, too bad I have much more those "ridiculous" facts. Funny since when writing a brutal buthurt truth is so called "brain wash"- could you explain me this plz? show me another form to write about thise things yyyy mabe "muslims unfortunately were forced to rape..." ? or "muslim had to kill coz had no choice..." hmmmm I'm really interested of your defend line
Quote from: zthrx on November 08, 2009, 09:33:13 PM
u becomes funny trying to deny facts, any source etc to defend ur statement? ups I think nope, too bad I have much more those "ridiculous" facts. Funny since when writing a brutal buthurt truth is so called "brain wash"- could you explain me this plz? show me another form to write about thise things yyyy mabe "muslims unfortunately were forced to rape..." ? or "muslim had to kill coz had no choice..." hmmmm I'm really interested of your defend line
facts are truth when belive by everybody not for a lot of retard ur UK brothers cant hear u from here so find another place for urself its dnet general discussion place not cry wall k?
Quoteyou muslims are rly sick primitive animals. freak your coran and freak your sick honor primitive idiots
Ultimate proof of your fking racism. :/
You're pathetic, if You judge whole culture by certain behaviours of individuals. You probably dont even know any muslim, or you're not even tryin to discover smth about them.
Sincerly, I hope you'll die in pain.
My (dis)regards
Quote from: alearan on November 08, 2009, 10:41:47 PM
Ultimate proof of your fking racism. :/
You're pathetic, if You judge whole culture by certain behaviours of individuals. You probably dont even know any muslim, or you're not even tryin to discover smth about them.
Sincerly, I hope you'll die in pain.
My (dis)regards
I'm talking about muslims/islamist in Europe, gues you don't wanna put this into ur head trying to have some arguments there are some good muslims on their deserts. The killer etc is also quiet in jail you know? and the point of this sick religion is to make whole world "islamic" as this religion says, than will be peace. Guess I don't have to copy past methods how they have to do it, wrote by someone else on another pages.
Really just go and read the topic, coz I see lot of smartass here trying to be super enlighten and judging reading after some answers to idiotic posts with no facts or other "deeper message"
I'm waiting for constructive conversation, if you aren't able to do it, defend this religion go back to school etc than try to write smth here.
"You probably dont even know any muslim, or you're not even tryin to discover smth about them"
seems they weren't know this muslim also:
Fort Hood shootings: gunman used 'cop killer' weapon in massacre at US Army base
I have to disappoint you coz I know hell alot about islam religion, history and so on. The effects of it we can see in the Europe w/o going outside.Your problem is lack of facts defending those brainwashed animals, this culture and religion. And bringing animal's rules to our XXI century wont happen.
Try me, pick up the topic test my knowledge I'm waiting since over 10 pages for that. You'd betta prepare coz this nonsense bullshit talk is getting boring me
You know I wish some woman to talk here, because in the most black scenario "men" is the winner and woman have less rights than dog so. I'm a kinda person with sentiment caring both six
Quote from: zthrx on November 08, 2009, 11:06:48 PM
I'm talking about muslims/islamist in Europe, gues you don't wanna put this into ur head trying to have some arguments there are some good muslims on their deserts. The killer etc is also quiet in jail you know? and the point of this sick religion is to make whole world "islamic" as this religion says, than will be peace. Guess I don't have to copy past methods how they have to do it, wrote by someone else on another pages.
Really just go and read the topic, coz I see lot of smartass here trying to be super enlighten and judging reading after some answers to idiotic posts with no facts or other "deeper message"
I'm waiting for constructive conversation, if you aren't able to do it, defend this religion go back to school etc than try to write smth here.
"You probably dont even know any muslim, or you're not even tryin to discover smth about them"
seems they weren't know this muslim also:
Fort Hood shootings: gunman used 'cop killer' weapon in massacre at US Army base
I have to disappoint you coz I know hell alot about islam religion, history and so on. The effects of it we can see in the Europe w/o going outside.Your problem is lack of facts defending those brainwashed animals, this culture and religion. And bringing animal's rules to our XXI century wont happen.
Try me, pick up the topic test my knowledge I'm waiting since over 10 pages for that. You'd betta prepare coz this nonsense bullshit talk is getting boring me
You know I wish some woman to talk here, because in the most black scenario "men" is the winner and woman have less rights than dog so. I'm a kinda person with sentiment caring both six
YOU dont even know any shit about muslim and islam coz you are not muslim u dont have any muslim friend u dont even go any muslim country and ur mental age not more than 6 so CRYMORE ignorant KIDDO
Quote from: Balrogg on November 09, 2009, 11:26:20 AM
YOU dont even know any shit about muslim and islam coz you are not muslim u dont have any muslim friend u dont even go any muslim country and ur mental age not more than 6 so CRYMORE ignorant KIDDO
How u know that ?
How u know that?
And having muslim friends or not it doesnt make any difference, i got enough muslim friends and i still agree on the biggest parts zthrx said.
Quote from: k0rina on November 09, 2009, 05:20:26 PM
u italian know a shit dont post here u was same like fvcking turks and now u have same thinking .
no he just using his brain despite of u and other f4ggots
Quotethe point of this sick religion is to make whole world "islamic"
Its the point of (almost) every religion,
Or maybe Jesus didn't said "Go and spread the word"?
Quote from: Torek [IF] on November 09, 2009, 05:39:22 PM
italian = shit
turks = shit
People = shit
Quote from: k0rina on November 09, 2009, 05:20:26 PM
u italian know a shit dont post here u was same like fvcking turks and now u have same thinking .
Quote from: k0rina on November 09, 2009, 09:40:51 PM
i didnt flame or attack u so u should use ur brain read my previous posts and u will understand what i mean
its kind of flame and atttack to me so we can see dragon players mental age really lower than i guess..........
"Islam religion of love and peace...."
Terrorism that's personal (12 images)
We typically think of terrorism as a political act.
But sometimes it’s very personal. It wasn’t a government or a guerrilla insurgency that threw acid on this woman’s face in Pakistan. It was a young man whom she had rejected for marriage. As the United States ponders what to do in Afghanistan â€" and for that matter, in Pakistan â€" it is wise to understand both the political and the personal, that the very ignorance and illiteracy and misogyny that create the climate for these acid attacks can and does bleed over into the political realm. Nicholas Kristof, the New York Times op-ed columnist who traveled to Pakistan last year to write about acid attacks, put it this way in an essay at the time: “I’ve been investigating such acid attacks, which are commonly used to terrorize and subjugate women and girls in a swath of Asia from Afghanistan through Cambodia (men are almost never attacked with acid). Because women usually don’t matter in this part of the world, their attackers are rarely prosecuted and acid sales are usually not controlled. It’s a kind of terrorism that becomes accepted as part of the background noise in the region. ...
“Bangladesh has imposed controls on acid sales to curb such attacks, but otherwise it is fairly easy in Asia to walk into a shop and buy sulfuric or hydrochloric acid suitable for destroying a human face. Acid attacks and wife burnings are common in parts of Asia because the victims are the most voiceless in these societies: They are poor and female. The first step is simply for the world to take note, to give voice to these women.†Since 1994, a Pakistani activist who founded the Progressive Women’s Association ( to help such women “has documented 7,800 cases of women who were deliberately burned, scalded or subjected to acid attacks, just in the Islamabad area. In only 2 percent of those cases was anyone convicted.â€
The geopolitical question is already hard enough: Should the United States commit more troops to Afghanistan and for what specific purpose? As American policymakers mull the options, here is a frame of reference that puts the tough choices in even starker relief: Are acid attacks a sign of just how little the United States can do to solve intractable problems there â€" therefore, we should pull out? Or having declared war on terrorism, must the United States stay out of moral duty, to try to protect women such as these â€" and the schoolgirls whom the Taliban in Afghanistan sprayed with acid simply for going to class â€" who have suffered a very personal terrorist attack? We offer a reading file of two smart essays that come to differing conclusions, and we tell the stories of some more of these women on the back page. But be forewarned: Those photos are even harder to look at than this one.
Shameem Akhter, 18, poses for a photograph at her home in Jhang, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 10, 2008. Shameem was raped by three boys who then threw acid on her three years ago. Shameem has undergone plastic surgery 10 times to try to recover from her scars.
Is Josef Fritzl as Muslim too?
STFU Zhtrx people from all religions commit cruelties.
However, I am in favor of a new law. In most countries it takes at least 5 years to obtain a passport, so let´s say if you commit any criminal offense (and that doesn´t include stealing a candy bar or speeding 3mph) you are kicked out, and cannot return for a minimum of 5 years. This could be more if crime is more severe. When possible jailtime in mother country should be included.
Agree Zthrx?
Quote from: zthrx on November 22, 2009, 12:21:31 AM
Shameem Akhter, 18, poses for a photograph at her home in Jhang, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 10, 2008. Shameem was raped by three boys who then threw acid on her three years ago. Shameem has undergone plastic surgery 10 times to try to recover from her scars.
post it to Girl Spam, imo.
Quote from: shavour on November 22, 2009, 09:46:43 AM
Is Josef Fritzl as Muslim too?
STFU Zhtrx people from all religions commit cruelties.
However, I am in favor of a new law. In most countries it takes at least 5 years to obtain a passport, so let´s say if you commit any criminal offense (and that doesn´t include stealing a candy bar or speeding 3mph) you are kicked out, and cannot return for a minimum of 5 years. This could be more if crime is more severe. When possible jailtime in mother country should be included.
Agree Zthrx?
that wasn't religious connected case, so you failed, you cannot defend this sick Islam. Since the beginning of this topic no1 didn't write even 1 post to defend it. About rapes:
Muslim rapes of non-Muslim girls an epidemic
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way
hey so many muslims here, no1 wants to talk? where are you camel? I have thousands similar cases about ur sick religion, come on and defend anything, I'm very well prepared for conversation...
PS: good text
What Are Islam's Weak Points?
Quote from: zthrx on November 22, 2009, 12:49:33 PM
that wasn't religious connected case, so you failed, you cannot defend this sick Islam. Since the beginning of this topic no1 didn't write even 1 post to defend it. About rapes:
Muslim rapes of non-Muslim girls an epidemic
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way
hey so many muslims here, no1 wants to talk? where are you camel? I have thousands similar cases about ur sick religion, come on and defend anything, I'm very well prepared for conversation...
PS: good text
What Are Islam's Weak Points?
Dude crimes commited by muslims are not automatically and act of faith!
Islam - religion of tolerance? <--- motherfreakers
Fifty lashes for the teenage (christian) girl who wore an 'indecent' knee length skirt in Sudan
Read more:
any islamic muslim here? come on get out from your hole, defend your religion freaking loosers.. hope ur sick religion will be kicked from Europe. Anyway Sweden already (almost [and will]) banned to build islamic minarets. - thx GOD
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 10:49:38 AM
Imo u should get banned from forum and games, this is not place for your stupid extremist ideas.
We are not haters, just people from all part in world, all culture enjoying the same game
So get off with ur hate, go die somewhere else....
Quote from: x23 on November 29, 2009, 02:57:56 PM
Imo u should get banned from forum and games, this is not place for your stupid extremist ideas.
We are not haters, just people from all part in world, all culture enjoying the same game
So get off with ur hate, go die somewhere else....
dont u see moderator of this section so no suprise he didnt get ban yet:)
stil no defending voice of this sick shit spreading in europe. You will enjoy ur game after some islamic muslim backstab you just because you're christian etc
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 03:53:43 PM
stil no defending voice of this sick shit spreading in europe. You will enjoy ur game after some islamic muslim backstab you just because you're christian etc
coz many d-net player well educated they are not such a ignorant like u wake up we are live in 21 century not in middle age.................
Quote from: Balrogg on November 29, 2009, 04:04:49 PM
coz many d-net player well educated they are not such a ignorant like u wake up we are live in 21 century not in middle age.................
Pity him fella.. as he can do nothing but burn itself on the idea that this people is already here.
Quote from: Nekobasu on November 29, 2009, 04:10:11 PM
Pity him fella.. as he can do nothing but burn itself on the idea that this people is already here.
wow neko nice to see u here we miss ur well-known spams:=)
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 03:53:43 PM
stil no defending voice of this sick shit spreading in europe. You will enjoy ur game after some islamic muslim backstab you just because you're christian etc
he won't land Bluff on me! never ever! period!
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 03:53:43 PM
stil no defending voice of this sick shit spreading in europe. You will enjoy ur game after some islamic muslim backstab you just because you're christian etc
not all ppl are like u...some of them (like me) dont care about religion and etc. of ppl...
Quote from: Balrogg on November 29, 2009, 04:04:49 PM
coz many d-net player well educated they are not such a ignorant like u wake up we are live in 21 century not in middle age.................
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 05:46:23 PM
funny kiddo u need some history lesson seriously u dont know any shit really
let me ask some questions u telling that muslims are sick and untolerant so tell me why Salahaddin Eyyubi didnt kill all christ and didnt torture them while getting Kudus? Also in one movie name called kingdom of heaven shows about tolerant of Muslims and this movie directed by chirst director written by christ author so they are muslim lover?
Another questions can u tell me why the Ottoman Empire who have a lot of country with different reiligion under their command like greeks and a lot of country but Ottoman live with them in peace more than 500 years dont even try to change their religion there is still Orthodox Church doing activity middle of Istanbul and nonone distrub them. If Ottomans are sick and untolerant why those country still alive in present day ? for ur idea they must be killed years ago
Lastly about terrosism u dont even know mean of that and created by who u shows 2-3 picture of ignorant people like you thats right maybe they are muslims but all religion have people like them so u cant accuse to every muslims about that
Quote from: Balrogg on November 29, 2009, 06:20:39 PM
funny kiddo u need some history lesson seriously u dont know any shit really
let me ask some questions u telling that muslims are sick and untolerant so tell me why Salahaddin Eyyubi didnt kill all christ and didnt torture them while getting Kudus? Also in one movie name called kingdom of heaven shows about tolerant of Muslims and this movie directed by chirst director written by christ author so they are muslim lover?
Another questions can u tell me why the Ottoman Empire who have a lot of country with different reiligion under their command like greeks and a lot of country but Ottoman live with them in peace more than 500 years dont even try to change their religion there is still Orthodox Church doing activity middle of Istanbul and nonone distrub them. If Ottomans are sick and untolerant why those country still alive in present day ? for ur idea they must be killed years ago
Lastly about terrosism u dont even know mean of that and created by who u shows 2-3 picture of ignorant people like you thats right maybe they are muslims but all religion have people like them so u cant accuse to every muslims about that
finally I provoked some1 to talk, and unfortunately your question are so dumb and missing the topic, that is just a waste of time for me to look for historical facts and compare them in many ways. We can compare dozens of facts where ppl lived together, you smartly missed the part of the "bad" side trying to change topic into a way "some1 was good for x years, so tell my how it happened".
The fact is you don't know a shiit, neither you aren't historian to compare possibly mine facts with ur knowledge.
You just skips the most important present brutal facts about all this mess around this lame religion, trying to cover every single case I posted under the 2 (maby you find 2 more similar facts who knows) historical stories.
You want to compare here good parts of every religion's history to discuss them ? I hope you are some Dr. because it would be a looong topic, pretty useless if written only to you information. Anyway you still fails to bring here some present facts to defend islam, ignorance isn't good way also, flame is pretty lame- better do not talk
so come up with some smarter ideas if you want to challenge me
btw. don't worry about mine knowledge about history of religions, it's far greater than urs.
try to find some facts denying present christian kills all over the muslim countries.
if you have a problem with that I can give you dozens of facts/strories/photos and films every day., so you can train a bit
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 07:22:50 PM
finally I provoked some1 to talk, and unfortunately your question are so dumb and missing the topic, that is just a waste of time for me to look for historical facts and compare them in many ways. We can compare dozens of facts where ppl lived together, you smartly missed the part of the "bad" side trying to change topic into a way "some1 was good for x years, so tell my how it happened".
The fact is you don't know a shiit, neither you aren't historian to compare possibly mine facts with ur knowledge.
You just skips the most important present brutal facts about all this mess around this lame religion, trying to cover every single case I posted under the 2 (maby you find 2 more similar facts who knows) historical stories.
You want to compare here good parts of every religion's history to discuss them ? I hope you are some Dr. because it would be a looong topic, pretty useless if written only to you information. Anyway you still fails to bring here some present facts to defend islam, ignorance isn't good way also, flame is pretty lame- better do not talk
so come up with some smarter ideas if you want to challenge me
nothing to add foryou I dont even see any sensible answer to my questions so there is no point discuss that with you .You are big dissapointment for your country and religion still cant belive people like you living in 21 century u can keep going with ur nosense comment i wont take u serious like others people cyas
p.s RED SECTION my little sister can challange with you ima ur mental age not more than 6...........
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 07:22:50 PM
btw. don't worry about mine knowledge about history of religions, it's far greater than urs.
I am sure about that ahahahah ima my stomach hurt from laugh anyway i suggest you find good psychiatrist for ur mental problem and get good education i guess that things can help you cyas..
Quote from: Balrogg on November 29, 2009, 07:39:43 PM
I am sure about that ahahahah ima my stomach hurt from laugh anyway i suggest you find good psychiatrist for ur mental problem and get good education i guess that things can help you cyas..
cya, I can sign you on my owned list, I mean you have nothing interesting to say about anything or I can't find anything interesting in your rhetorical questions
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 07:49:49 PM
cya, I can sign you on my owned list, I mean you have nothing interesting to say about anything or I can't find anything interesting in your rhetorical questions
zthrx ur just a big dumb, u proved it again. ( i just saw the topic )
@ stalkerz eyw ....
Quote from: Balrogg on November 29, 2009, 04:11:47 PM
wow neko nice to see u here we miss ur well-known spams:=)
still alive.. read the forum from time to time and try to control the urges to man tapon and show the server a few tactics i have on the manual of how to win a castle and how to kill a ally.. but i endure the urge and feel good after.
Too many time spent on the server.
About this fella.. half my family is inmigrant.. even my daughter is half blood.. so i can say this fella is in dire straits.. because he is a sheep and can only join a skinhead clow troupe as bouncer and try to kill a few.. but in the end he will stop nothing and will end in jail and even bitter.
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 07:49:49 PM
u make me love taliban, i hope they will kick your ass soon
Quote from: x23 on November 29, 2009, 10:54:18 PM
u make me love taliban, i hope they will kick your ass soon
not possible, hard to kick ****s ass- some muslims tried in the past but ****s actually kicked their asses so they went to their hole
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 11:51:01 PM
not possible, hard to kick ****s ass- some muslims tried in the past but ****s actually kicked their asses so they went to their hole
just like in WW2, huh?
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 29, 2009, 11:54:20 PM
just like in WW2, huh?
dude Poland could defeat Germany, actually we were pushing them down, but Soviets backstabed us and we had to fight on 2 fronts. Poland was/is the bravest country in the history motherfreaker, never gave up fighting on many fronts for chicken france who supposed to help like england. SO better don't write funking bullshit loser coz you are on my ground if you want argue on history facts. I was study History, history of poland writing a mature exam from history so better shut the freak up with so lame ideas ok? if you know a total shiit kido, coz we have smth to be proud of fighting for freedom to the last man.
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 12:14:45 AM
dude Poland could defeat Germany, actually we were pushing them down, but Soviets backstabed us and we had to fight on 2 fronts. Poland was/is the bravest country in the history motherfreaker, never gave up fighting on many fronts for chicken france who supposed to help like england. SO better don't write funking bullshit loser coz you are on my ground if you want argue on history facts. I was study History, history of poland writing a mature exam from history so better shut the freak up with so lame ideas ok? if you know a total shiit kido, coz we have smth to be proud of fighting for freedom to the last man.
I was just surprised you actually find useful to write down all that Islamic stuff without any reasonable feedback. You better create a hate-blog for such purpose, but I guess it won't be visited that much.
Nevermind, keep up your effort, maybe someone will find it useful. I doubt tho.
Aye! You were talking about WW2. Well, you can flatter yourself as much as you can, but history doesn't care about circumstances. Fact is, PL was first country eaten.
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 30, 2009, 12:23:43 AM
I was just surprised you actually find useful to write down all that Islamic stuff without any reasonable feedback. You better create a hate-blog for such purpose, but I guess it won't be visited that much.
Nevermind, keep up your effort, maybe someone will find it useful. I doubt tho.
Aye! You were talking about WW2. Well, you can flatter yourself as much as you can, but history doesn't care about circumstances. Fact is, PL was first country eaten.
ye and fact is you aren't freaking muslim thx to Poland, and you are using PC now instead of cleaning ur AK-47 and praying
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 12:27:03 AM
ye and fact is you aren't freaking muslim thx to Poland, and you are using PC now instead of cleaning ur AK-47 and praying
lol? I am not Muslim "thanks" to damned Soviet occupation. And that's very, very, VEEERY exaggerated statement. I wouldn't be Muslim anyway, nobody can force me to believe in something I don't want to. Never ever. Period.
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 30, 2009, 12:32:09 AM
lol? I am not Muslim "thanks" to damned Soviet occupation. And that's very, very, VEEERY exaggerated statement. I wouldn't be Muslim anyway, nobody can force me to believe in something I don't want to. Never ever. Period.
I am not Muslim "thanks" to damned Soviet occupation. and you might know history? haha I wasn't meant that smartass
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 12:37:20 AM
I am not Muslim "thanks" to damned Soviet occupation. and you might know history? haha I wasn't meant that smartass
As I said - I have absolutely no need to thank PL for saving my country from "Muslim disease". You are also not Muslim thanks to your parents, who didn't convert to Islam, because their parents didn't convert to Islam, and so on and so on. To simplify it: You are not Muslim because they never been dominant in your country and won't be for quite a while either.
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 30, 2009, 12:41:17 AM
As I said - I have absolutely no need to thank PL for saving my country from "Muslim disease". You are also not Muslim thanks to your parents, who didn't convert to Islam, because their parents didn't convert to Islam, and so on and so on. To simplify it: You are not Muslim because they never been dominant in your country and won't be for quite a while either.
dude after 400 years there would be pretty nice chance you'd be a muslim since they are freak like crazy. Post by post you shows your low knowledge and rly low skills to comparing facts
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 12:47:27 AM
dude after 400 years there would be pretty nice chance you'd be a muslim since they are freak like crazy. Post by post you shows your low knowledge and rly low skills to comparing facts
Maybe you should take into consideration that life span of ordinary human being rarely surpass 100 years. Why the devil should I care what will be after 400 years? Post by post your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 30, 2009, 12:49:43 AM
Maybe you should take into consideration that life span of ordinary human being rarely surpass 100 years. Why the devil should I care what will be after 400 years? Post by post your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.
100 years : )) no diseases, accidents, wars, etc etc.. better stop writing
"Why the devil should I care what will be after 400 years?" because it was 400 years ago you stupid moron
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 12:55:27 AM
100 years : )) no diseases, accidents, wars, etc etc.. better stop writing
So you admit that there is no need for current generation of PL/CZ to be aware of Muslim revolution? Good. Those 100 years I wrote were mere example. I'm sorry if you didn't get it even tho I mentioned words like "ordinary" and "rarely".
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 11:51:01 PM
not possible, hard to kick ****s ass- some muslims tried in the past but ****s actually kicked their asses so they went to their hole
u forgot a point : Muslim reproduce 4x more than christians, so u are doomed !!
i hope ur daughter will have a muslim BF
or better hope that assholes like u never reproduce, law should give u same as pedo : cut your balls
Quote from: zthrx on November 29, 2009, 11:51:01 PM
not possible, hard to kick ****s ass- some muslims tried in the past but ****s actually kicked their asses so they went to their hole
waiting in turkey , KICK MI ASS, xd (i pray , to see one ****, and want know how he will kick my ass ) :=D
ps : no1 wants to read ur bullshits... just stop it
Muslims can try to come... we will kick they asses as many others b4,
untill its 40 to 1 they have no chance
PS. I dont think some gaming forum is a best place for such topics, Some moderator could react... Peace!
i cant understand why "some" muslims or "some" christians hate eachother so much .. whats the problem ? , we are in 21 century :-\
Quote from: scary on November 30, 2009, 03:05:21 PM
i cant understand why "some" muslims or "some" christians hate eachother so much .. whats the problem ? , we are in 21 century :-\
i understand Ossama when i read zthrx craps
Quote from: scary on November 30, 2009, 03:05:21 PM
i cant understand why "some" muslims or "some" christians hate eachother so much .. whats the problem ? , we are in 21 century :-\
seems like not everyone lives in 21 century ;D
Quote from: IdarkI on November 30, 2009, 04:33:14 PM
seems like not everyone lives in 21 century ;D
thats true :D
Quote from: Torek [IF] on November 30, 2009, 04:59:58 PM
plis stop answear him.....let live him in his world of hate......he will die alone
but you may die with many ppl by terro-bomb : > nothing funny
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 07:35:59 PM
but you may die with many ppl by terro-bomb : > nothing funny
Lol the chance to die from terro attack in Europe are close to 0,000 %. I'm shure there is more chance to die from road, police etc ...
U are the only person here that deserve to get bombed.
It is easy to flame a game forum from behind a PC, but if u really want to save the world from muslim pledge, u'd better join the crusade now !! find some christian militia and go fight for ur hate god.
Quote from: x23 on November 30, 2009, 09:06:01 PM
Lol the chance to die from terro attack in Europe are close to 0,000 %. I'm shure there is more chance to die from road, police etc ...
U are the only person here that deserve to get bombed.
It is easy to flame a game forum from behind a PC, but if u really want to save the world from muslim pledge, u'd better join the crusade now !! find some christian militia and go fight for ur hate god.
hahahah true xd
Quote from: x23 on November 30, 2009, 09:06:01 PM
Lol the chance to die from terro attack in Europe are close to 0,000 %. I'm shure there is more chance to die from road, police etc ...
U are the only person here that deserve to get bombed.
It is easy to flame a game forum from behind a PC, but if u really want to save the world from muslim pledge, u'd better join the crusade now !! find some christian militia and go fight for ur hate god.
yah is easy to flame, special when I posted dozens of facts which even no one was defended... try harder
Quote from: zthrx on November 30, 2009, 11:42:35 PM
yah is easy to flame, special when I posted dozens of facts which even no one was defended... try harder
The only real fact here is people from many countries and religions enjoying the same game for fun.
Your few hate links wont change anything.
Humans prefer love to hate : u are doomed !
i'd like to add that the main responsible of that hate shit are moderators and forum owner.... ( specialy in front of law )
Shame on them for let this hate spam pollute this happy gaming forum.
zthrx you seem so satisfied of you that is ur argues are turning pointless. and your rhetoric means nothing, you mix up correlation and causality and you erect your confusion as an absolute point of view.... nu comment
this map pwns xd
Quote from: TheLox on December 04, 2009, 12:05:31 AM
I agree with this map about Italy =-DD
We are a population of lobotomized ppl... where 95% of the ppl just cares about the "big brother" and what D&G shoes put in the week end...
Quote from: Torek [IF] on December 04, 2009, 02:01:08 PM
i still don't know why france has the white flag
Bottle of wine fits better !
Quote from: Torek [IF] on December 04, 2009, 05:18:15 PM
some1 can explain me that?
becuz they surrended almost immediately against the germany in the 2ww =-P
turkey - sandnigers ?:o
ps : i see in GB, turkey flag emblem.
Quote from: scary on December 04, 2009, 05:55:57 PM
ps : i see in GB, turkey flag emblem.
Yeah, and arrow is coming from Poland where is airplane. xDDDDDDDD
Oh, and EX Yu countires - TOTAL WAR. xDDDD
(Ex Yu countires: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia) XD
Quote from: TheLox on December 04, 2009, 08:20:00 PM
Oh, and EX Yu countires - TOTAL WAR. xDDDD
(Ex Yu countires: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia) XD
Bulgaria also xd
Quote from: scary on December 04, 2009, 09:34:45 PM
Bulgaria also xd
Bulgaria? O.O!!! Not! Lol... Bulgaria is this one which this horse car.
Quote from: TheLox on December 04, 2009, 12:05:31 AM
explain to me pliz portugal and austrian guy xD
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on December 05, 2009, 03:33:39 AM
explain to me pliz portugal and austrian guy xD
Austrian guy is a criminal who were hiding/raping his daughters at the cellar for a years.
Portugal one, I dunno :)
google 'fritzl' if u wanna learn more about austrian dude :x
Quote from: TheLox on December 04, 2009, 12:05:31 AM
:P TOTAL WARS :p sry but albania isnt a Ex YU part :P dont comfuse as with other albanias who live in YU :P
btw i agree with this map :P
Quote from: TheLox on December 05, 2009, 02:35:18 AM
Bulgaria? O.O!!! Not! Lol... Bulgaria is this one which this horse car.
ahh ye
Quote from: NIORI on December 05, 2009, 12:03:18 PM
:P TOTAL WARS :p sry but albania isnt a Ex YU part :P dont comfuse as with other albanias who live in YU :P
btw i agree with this map :P
O math... I haven't seen this. WAH! T_T!
Men sought 'to kill woman for adultery - Islamic muslims are dangerous with this sickdog religion in whole Europe (and world) go to your hole plz
Spanish police have arrested nine men suspected of seeking to have a woman killed after they accused her of adultery, claiming they were following Islamic law, authorities said on Sunday.
The Pakistani Taliban's War on Schoolchildren - Pakistan: 473 schools destroyed by the Taliban. In the name of Allah. Because Islam is the Religion of Peaceâ,,¢. And it's also very tolerant,8599,1943639,00.html
You still don't get the point do you.
Zhtrx logic:
Person A: Muslim
Person B: Non-Muslim
Person A kills a little kid. = Muslims are evil.
Person B kills a little kid. = Zhtrx: "I only gather news messages about muslims, so Ã'll disregard this one."
Normal peoples logic:
Person A: Muslim
Person B: Non-Muslim
Person A kills a little kid. = Person A is evil.
Person B kills a little kid. = Person B is evil.
Following Zthrx logic the following website must be interesting too: ( Oh noes, Christians must be evil too.
Quote from: mark_elesse on December 15, 2009, 01:30:22 AM
LOL the best part : " Sandniggers ...... Niggers + Sandniggers " xDD lololololololol
404 country closed xD, however ey racist bastard as i see old topics on NM u went to turkey,had friends there, smoking in turkey WTF they raped u?;D
Quote from: mark_elesse on December 15, 2009, 01:30:22 AM
LOL the best part : " Sandniggers ...... Niggers + Sandniggers " xDD lololololololol